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No mass graves near Novi Pazar (Vecernje Novosti)

After several days of examinations at one location near the Koprivnička River, in the village Kozarevo near Novi Pazar, the investigators engaged by the Serbian War Crimes Prosecution and the Office of Missing Persons in Pristina did not find any mass grave, or remains of the bodies of buried Albanians. Upon completion of investigation of the terrain, the crew of investigators with machines left the site.

Based on the suspicions of Pristina that in Kozarevo were secretly buried hundreds of Albanians killed in Kosovo in 1999, the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor ordered a detailed examination of the location, which Albanian representatives visited in January this year.  According to unofficial information, Albanians additionally requested examinations of the left bank of the river, because on the right bank of the river (which representatives of Pristina marked as the most suspicious) was not find anything. This time their request was not met, because it was not part of the plan.