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Jablanović: Progress though agreement (TV Most)

The former minister for communities and return in the Kosovo government and President of the Serbian List Aleksandar Jablanović has not decided yet whether he will go to Đakovica/Gjakovë if summoned by a prosecution.

“I have neither intention nor desire to prove my innocence, particularly not in front of the prosecution in Đakovica,” said Jablanović.

He added that he considers indictment against him as constructed case aiming at disciplining all Serb representatives in Kosovo and Metohija. “That means that Serbs are in the institutions, but that they remain silent and don’t talk about problems and sufferings of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Jablanović.

“I have no problems with what I did in the past and what will I do in future, and the indictment against me is not referring to me but to every Serb in Kosovo and Meothija, along with dozens of imprisoned innocent Serbs,” said Jablanović.

“I think that there is a way to reach agreement with Kosovo Albanians and their political representatives, and that considerable majority amongst them is willing and able to reach agreement, because they understand that without agreement with Serbs, neither them nor us, as people of Kosovo and Metohija, can move forwards,” concluded Jablanović.