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Special court important for all communities (KIM Radio)

MP from the Serbian List Jasmina Živković voiced her expectation that Kosovo parliament will adopt the law on special court, and stressed that it is about process which is important for entire Kosovo.

“I expect that 81 MP will vote for the establishment of the special court,” said Živković, and added that nothing is yet sure since there is no official confirmation about the session.

Živković said to RTV Kim that there is still no official confirmation that the parliament will debate on amendments on the law on special court on 21 May, and added that MPs from the Serbian list are not acquainted with content of the amendments.
Reflecting on the statements of certain MPs from the Bosniak community that they will not vote for the establishment of the special court, Živković said that it is about important matter and process that affects entire Kosovo and all communities. “Everyone bears its own responsibility when saying that he or she won’t vote for it,” said Živković.

She explained that Serbs, by creation of the special court for Kosovo Liberation Army crimes, expect final solution for problems related to civil victims and destiny of kidnapped and missing persons in Kosovo, and that someone is held responsible for crimes against civilians from all communities in Kosovo.