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Kosovo will be deleted from the Constitution? (Kontakt Plus Radio)

This week, the Serbian Government action team for changing the Constitution, composed of representatives of the parliamentary parties, will held the first meeting. The president of the team, and the chief of caucus of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Zoran Babic, assures the public that the MPs would first focus on changing the electoral political system i.e. reducing the number of MPs from 250 to 150. Babic said that they are willing to listen to the proposals of any interested citizen in Serbia, denying earlier media speculation that foreigners will write the highest legal act.

Majority of the public is convinced that behind the initiative on amending the Constitution stands above all intention to delete the part of the preamble stating that Kosovo and Metohija is an integral part of Serbia. Hence the initiators strive to reach as broad as possible consensus in the public, at the same time drawing attention to reducing the number of MPs.

The new president of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art, Vladimir Kostic, commented on the possible deletion of Kosovo from the highest legal act. “People cannot easily give up Decani, Gracanica ... not only because it's something we should talk to our children, but because it is part of our ethnicity. It begins with the frescoes and stories which are behind those frescos, regardless of the fact we were going astray, in this or that direction. If we would be cut off from this, we shall be like someone who starts the education in the fourth grade of secondary school, without being able to learn any lesson before,” said Kostic.