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Jablanović: A/CSM neither fog nor hoax (TV Most)

Former minister in the Kosovo government and leader of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanović said that there is a high level of obstruction by the official institutions in Pristina when it comes to creation of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities.

“Community of Serb municipalities (CSM) is not a fog on the ground which should be there only when Serbs are invited to central elections, and to be cheated by a hoax, and after that we wait for the next ones. Community of Serb municipalities is the project supported by three serious sides – Brussels, Belgrade and Pristina, which have taken over obligations and responsibilities in order for Community of Serb municipalities to be created,” said Aleksandar Jablanović to TV Most.

Jablanović went on to say that he doesn’t see the reason for prolonging the creation of the A/CSM since it clearly writes in the coalition agreement ‘Community of Serb municipalities, not Association.”

“Since there is no law on creation of communities, some laws should be amended in the provincial parliament in order to pave the way for creation of the CSM,” stressed Jablanović and added that equal responsibility for creation of the CSM lays with political representatives of Serbs in the provisional bodies in Pristina.

Jablanović underlined that ‘without the Brussels Agreement, where creation of the Community of Serb municipalities is one of the key issues, local and central elections in northern Kosovo and Metohija would not have taken place, whereas without the creation of the CSM entire rationale of the sole Brussels Agreement is brought into question.”

“We have carried out our obligations, and other side is the one that permanently obstructs the Brussels Agreement, that is, its implementation, whereas one could notice that they have silent approval from the European Union for doing so,” pointed out Jablanović and added that international community has to understand that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are not children that they can play with.

Reflecting on the writing of Pristina-based media that Association/Community of Serb municipalities will go in package with the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces Jablanović said that this is not possible, since those are “two completely different draft laws”.

“Draft laws first have to pass the voting procedure in certain committees, after what it depends whether drafts will be forwarded to the parliament for voting. The law on creation of the CSM and law on Kosovo armed forces have nothing to do with each other, and can’t be linked in any way,” said Jablanović and added that there is a possibility for voting procedures to take place on the same day, but it can’t be only one voting procedure for those two laws.

Jablanović highlighted that such speculations are made by Kosovo media due to publicity.