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Svilanovic: Historical visit constitutes great opportunity (Tanjug)

TIRANA - Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Goran Svilanovic qualified the visit of Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to Albania as a historic occasion that constitutes a great opportunity.

It is a historic event and this is not said lightly, Svilanovic told Tanjug and added that decades have passed and no visits by Serbian government official to Tirana like this one occurred. This visit is important as it constitutes a truly great opportunity, he noted.

Improvement of both political and economic relations with Albania serves Serbia's interests, he said.

Svilanovic noted that the two countries are sending a message of peace and friendship, which constitutes an encouragement to all neighbours.

The two countries' joint interest is progress toward the EU, he said.

The moves Serbia made in the past year and a half constitute big steps in the sector, and here, I am referring to the visit of the prime minister to Sarajevo, the manner of implementation of the Brussels process and the determination which Serbia is showing in the dialogue, Svilanovic said and added that this all strengthens Serbia's perspective in European integration.
