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Đurić: Someone in Pristina fears creation of the special court (Tanjug/Blic)

The Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija (Office for Kosovo) Marko Đurić said last night that someone who is a decision maker in Pristina, ‘in political, and maybe in personal capacity’, is afraid of creation of the special court, what is according to him the main reason for the lack of majority for passing the law on special court in the Kosovo parliament.

“On the other side, Serbia firmly stands behind the creation of the court, because we believe that it can contribute to the healing of society in Kosovo and Metohija. Such a court could bring more justice to those on both sides who are waiting 15 years for some truth and that, if nothing else, those who are directly responsible for atrocities are removed from the streets,” said Đurić to TV B92.

On the remarks that some analysts in Pristina argue that Kosovo Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci and the Speaker of the Kosovo parliament Kadri Veseli, are in a hurry to create the special court, since they have confirmations that they won’t be indicted, Đurić said that every crime has its name and surname, and that perpetrators have to be known.

He went on to say that there are thousands of missing persons whose whereabouts are not known, whereas their families know about the regions where they went missing.

“There are information about who used to be in charge for various paramilitary groups of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in those zones. There are different levels of responsibilities and I am sure that well organized, funded and properly organized court can find perpetrators, even in such conditions in Kosovo and Metohija where more than a decade witnesses of those crimes have been persecuted, threatened and even the subjects of mass executions,” said Đurić.

Đurić added that next round of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will take place on 23 June in Brussels and that creation of the Association/Communication of Serb municipalities will be seriously discussed there. He explained that talks over this topic were held in Brussels recently, despite Kosovo government’s claims that such talks will never take place. He said that this is a signal to Pristina that the time has come for commitments deriving from the agreement are respected.
