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Declaration of the UN Security Council instead of resolution on Srebrenica? (Vecernje Novosti)

At this point, it is difficult to predict the epilogue of diplomatic war about the Srebrenica resolution, because Moscow and London have wide consultations in East River, in order to get support for their proposal in the Security Council, writes the paper.

The opinion within the UN diplomatic circles is that in the case the balance of power in the Security Council is tight, there is a possibility that none of the resolutions will be passed. However, there is a possibility that a joint declaration will be adopted, which would be signed by the Chairperson of the Security Council, in which all "controversial points " would been avoided.

The most extreme, but less probable variant is that none of the parties give up its resolution and to resort to a veto power, as permanent members of the Security Council.

Diplomatic activity of Belgrade is currently focused on preventing the adoption of the British resolution, which in the upgraded version is extremely anti-Serbian and does not contribute to reconciliation, but rising tensions in the region. That is why yesterday was sent another letter to all members of Security Council, which indicates to the harmful effects of the British document on Srebrenica.

Russian text, as a counter-proposal to the British, it is much more moderate. It seeks condemnation of all crimes in the former Yugoslavia, but also calls Security Council to once more confirm the "Dayton". According to some beliefs, the British resolution is aimed at the weakening of the Dayton Agreement, indirectly.

The President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik confirmed that yesterday, on behalf of the institutions of the Republika Srpska, was sent a letter to the UN Security Council, in which it stated that the British resolution on Srebrenica is anti-Serbian, and that the UN should reject it.

The chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mladen Ivanic sent a letter to the Security Council members and the UN Secretary General, on his behalf, in which he asked them not to adopt the British resolution on Srebrenica. He said that before July 11, instead of resolution, should be paid a tribute to all the victims.


Russian document on B&H which is sent to the Security Council

The Russia draft resolution was written on two pages and has seven points. The introduction calls for confirmation of commitment to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia within their internationally recognized borders.  The word "genocide" is mentioned once, while Srebrenica is not mentioned at all.

The draft resolution:

1. Condemns in the strongest terms the very serious crimes that concern the international community as a whole, which were committed during the conflict in the former Yugoslavia against people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds

2. Underlines the responsibility of states to respect relevant obligations under international law to end impunity and prosecute criminally those responsible for serious crimes that concern the international community as a whole

3. Expresses condolences to the victims on all sides of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, as well as to their families, and calls on Member States to continue to provide long-term support to survivors, as has been envisaged

4. Welcomes the work of the International Commission on Missing Persons and the Missing Persons Institute of Bosnia-Herzegovina

5. Reaffirms the support for the Peace Agreement and the Dayton-Paris Agreement on the creation of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and urges the parties to adhere strictly to the obligations under these agreements

6. Reiterates that primary responsibility for further successful implementation of the Peace Agreement lies with the authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina

7. Urges Bosnians, Croats and Serbs, as constituent peoples (along with others) and all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in both entities, the Federation and the Serb Republic, to promote peace, justice, tolerance and reconciliation on the basis of the Peace Agreement and the Bosnian Constitution