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Tomorrow memorial service for the children murdered in Gorazdevac (TV Most, Radio Kontakt Plus)

In the church of the Holy Virgin and at the cemetery in Gorazdevac tomorrow will be held a memorial service for Ivan Jovovic (19) and Pantelija Dakic (12), murdered on 13 August 2003, when unknown persons from automatic weapons shot children who were swimming in Bistrica River. Djordje Ugrenović (20), Bogdan Bukumiric (14), Marko Bogicevic (12) and Dragan Srbljak (13) were then seriously wounded.

The attackers on Serbian children, who were swimming in the river 500 meters from the center of the village, have never been found despite the promise of the then head of UNMIK Police that he would "turn over every piece of land in order to find the killers." The prize of one million dollars offered by UNMIK didn’t help either.

After the attack in Gorazdevac UNMIK said that "an unknown number of people from the bushes opened fire from the "Kalashnikov" to 50 children and young people, mostly Serbs from Gorazdevac enclave". Kosovo police questioned 75 witnesses, including wounded children. Fathers of murdered boys claim that it is well known who shot Ivan and Pantelija and they informed KFOR about it.

After this attack in Gorazdevac was held urgent UN Security Council session. UNMIK handed over the case to EULEX, which later closed the case due to the lack of evidence.

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric and representatives of the Serbian List in provincial institutions will attend tomorrow’s memorial service.