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"No new conditions for Serbia" - German ambassador (Dailies)

There are no new conditions for the continuation of Serbia's EU integration nor demands to recognize Kosovo, says German Ambassador Axel Dittmann.

In addition, he stressed that Germany "supports the opening of chapters 35 and 32 in Serbia's EU membership talks next year." "The normalization process, the process of accession should go in parallel," said Dittmann during a conference dedicated to EU accession negotiations and normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

He recalled there were "many controversial statements last week," while "some caused anxiety," but added it was "good that the prime minister over the weekend sent a clear message that Serbia continues European integration and the dialogue with Pristina."  "The process of accession to the EU has set a very important timeframes, and now it is transited from the stage of preparations to the stage of concrete actions... In order to open chapter 35 we have prepared a draft document that is in line with the negotiating framework," he concluded.

Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Belgrade Norbert Beckmann Dierkes said, speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, that it was "the most important political instrument that serves to establish even greater stability in the Balkans."  "Serbia in the region plays an important and leading role," he said.

Negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, he added, "should achieve normalization for all who live in that region."  "It is therefore of great importance to involve all actors, and above all I mean the international community. The Brussels agreement should be filled with life, and all participants in this process should feel that progress is being made in the normalization," said Dierkes.
