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Janjic: UNESCO decision was expected (RTK2)

Decision for sending proposal to the UNESCO General Conference on admission of Kosovo to that organization is expected, said analyst Dusan Janjic in the talk show “Popodne” on RTK2.

According to Janjic, such decision was expected because of good lobbing. He added that Belgrade had only one political campaign with which they tried to stop the process. "Belgrade has managed in 2013 to postpone the question of Kosovo's membership in global organizations, UNESCO, Council of Europe, the OSCE, and the United Nations, but after that Ivica Dacic did nothing in that regards. What remains now is to consider how the whole system will function, after Kosovo will be admitted to UNESCO. We should also think about the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian community," said Janjic.

Janjic said that under the Constitution of Kosovo and the Ahtisaari plan, annex 5, Serbian Orthodox Church has wide autonomy and she is the owner of the land where are the churches and monasteries. Therefore it is important to receive the guarantees (through the dialogue in Brussels) that possible changes of the Constitution will not abolish that autonomy.

Janjic believes that a final decision of the General Assembly in November, on Kosovo's admission to UNESCO, will be the same as the decision of the Executive Council.