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KSAM dissatisfied with the work of Serb MPs (KIM Radio)

Kosovo strategic action network (KSAM/KPAN) expressed its dissatisfaction and concern with the work of Serb MPs in the Kosovo parliament who supported many processes and laws, which in practice never come to life or are contrary to Kosovo Constitution. “One of the latest motions is support to the Law on ratification of the Stabilization Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union, which could not be adopted without the votes of MPs from the Serbian List,” KSAM communicated.

KSAM, the association that gathers more than 100 mainly Serbian non-governmental organizations, stressed that laws adopted in the past referring to Serbs in Kosovo are almost entirely neglected and not implemented at all. They quoted Law on Velika Hoca, Law on Prizren’s Historic Center, Law on use of languages and range of other laws that are meant to provide survival and future to Kosovo Serbs. They also pointed out that Kosovo Serbs do not enjoy their constitutional right when it comes to having independent TV channel.

KSAM further stated that it supports all processes aimed at Kosovo’s development, including its path toward the EU, however it argues that Kosovo authorities should fulfill their commitments, that is, to implement and respect legal framework when it comes to Serbian community.