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Djuric: Projects in Zubin Potok total EUR 18 million (Tanjug)

The director of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, stated on Wednesday that the value of projects currently under way in Zubin Potok/Zubin Potok totals EUR 18 million.He told reporters that this comes mostly as a result of the municipal leaders' engagement.

“I believe that Zubin Potok can really be an example how hard work may bring good results that is how the things can be moved from a standstill in our municipalities in Kosovo and Metohija,” Djuric said. Touring a preschool in Zupac near Zubin Potok/Zubin Potok, Djuric said that thousands of children in schools across Kosovo are studying in line with Serbia's education system with financial and all other types of support from the Serbian government.
