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Jutarnji list: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo are the most vulnerable (TV Most)

According to estimates of security experts, in the last fifteen years in the Balkans was created a good network of cells of radical Islamist groups, willing to go into battle against the western civilization. Most of them are located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo, writes Zagreb daily Jutarnji List. Citing unnamed interlocutors close to the security services, the paper writes that "Muslims in Kosovo and Albania" are far more radical than those in B&H. The problem is, as they say, in the local Islamic communities that are divided and intertwined with radical elements.

In Macedonia, the most problematic is in western Macedonia, where mostly reside radical Islamic Albanians who collaborate with counterparts in Albania and who are in conflict with the secular Albanians, nationalists and Macedonian state. In Bosnia and Herzegovina Islamic community is quite unique in condemning radical Islamists and they are trying to appease the situation. According to the interlocutors of Jutarnji list and available information, the number of radical Muslims is increasing.

A similar situation is in Sandzak which should be seen as a territorial entity that includes Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro. "Sandzak Muslims are the most radical," says one of the interlocutors. In the Sandzak Islamic community lasts conflict between the two factions which is a “good soil” for further radicalization. Intelligence indicates that a part of the B&H Wahhabi moved to the area of ​​Sandzak in Serbia," claims the daily.


