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Serbs and Albanians against extension of EULEX mandate (Politika)

For seven years, judges of the EU mission concluded 600 court cases, but no one has been prosecuted for war crimes against Serbs.

While the EU is slowly preparing the ground in order to prepare another mandate for the EULEX mission in Kosovo, from June 2016, the Serbs and the Albanians believe that the EU mission did not justify expectations and that it should leave. EULEX, which is evaluated by British newspaper "The Guardian" as "a flamboyant symbol of the incapability", for seven years, has spent more than a billion euros, but has failed to prosecute even one of war crimes against Serbs.

Its greatest "success" is a biennial farce of the trial of Oliver Ivanovic. Everything that is wrong with the EULEX mission came to light in the trial of the leader of the Civic Initiative SDP, Ivanovic. Accusations of corruption, persecution of whistleblowers and falsification of evidence are showing that international prosecutors and judges in the province adopted the local way of behavior, rather than to introduce legal standards of the countries from which they came. Even the media from Pristina rated proceedings against Ivanovic as unsuccessful "attempt to build castles in the air, but without any foundation".

Leposavic Mayor Dragan Jablanović argues that EULEX courts “catch” just a small fishes when it comes to Albanians, but it is totally opposite when it comes to Serbs. “EU mission didn’t bring anything good. Neither Serbs, nor Albanians like it. At the beginning was announced that mission will find perpetrators in the cases of kidnapped and missing Serbs, but it appeared that mission is totally incapable,” he said.

EULEX mission managed even to gather harsh political opponents Marko Jaksic from Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and Ilir Deda from Self-Determination movement. Both of them believe that it would be the best if the judges from the European countries have never come to Kosovo.