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Kosovo urges Serbia to open military archive (RTK2, BIRN)

The Kosovo government's Commission for Missing Persons has urged Belgrade to open military and police archives to help find the location of mass graves. "The opening of these archives could lead us to the mass graves," said Prenk Gjetaj, President of the Commission for Missing Persons of the Government of Kosovo. Gjetaj added that the Commission intends to ask for help from the international community to obtain military satellite images that may also help in localizing mass graves.

He added that the Commission and the forensic team of the EU's Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) will work together to compile a list of potential mass grave locations. The Commission believes that there should be a memorial center where clothing and other items left behind by missing persons would be conserved and displayed. He added that the commission would ask UNMIK to provide containers for storage, until the memorial center is completed.