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Tahiri: Statute of the A/CSM to be drafted by Pristina (RTK2)

The sooner Serbia disbands its parallel structures in Kosovo, the sooner the statute will be drafted for the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, stated Kosovo government Minister without portfolio, in charge of dialogue, Edita Tahiri in her interview with RTK2, and added that the statute will be drafted by Kosovo institutions.

Tahiri went on to say that the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels is an ongoing process and it is difficult to predict the date of creation of the A/CSM. “It very much depends on Serbia, the amendments of its laws and involvement in disbanding these structures (parallel). Serbia has to stop paying salaries to employees in parallel structures and end their employment contracts. The sooner Serbia accomplishes this, the sooner the government of Kosovo will be able to work on the draft statute, said Tahiri. She further explained that Pristina will be drafting the statue of the A/CSM, not Belgrade, and that it will be forwarded to the Constitutional Court for opinion, as well.

“When the Constitutional Court says that it is in harmony with the Constitution, the statute will then become a valid legal document,” said Tahiri, and added that only the Constitutional Court of Kosovo has the right to review this statute.