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Jevtić and Žbogar on return and security (KiM Radio)

Minister for Communities and Return in the Kosovo government, Dalibor Jevtić, met today with the head of the EU Office and the EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Samuel Žbogar, and discussed return and security in Kosovo.

Jevtić expressed concerns due to the latest attacks on returnee families and said that this  jeopardizes return and survival of Serbs in Kosovo and their normal life. He also conveyed his concerns to his counterpart about emerging of the Islamic radicalism in Kosovo and noted that Serbian Orthodox Church and all returnees are very much worried about it.

Jevtić  also hanked the EU Office in Kosovo for the financial support to the Ministry and stressed that without these funds they would not manage to achieve results in return and stabilization of communities in 2015. The EU Office is the main donor in the on-going projects ‘PRK’, ‘Stabilization of Communities’ and Return of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians from Montenegro and FYR Macedonia.
