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MPs visits to Serb-majority municipalities welcomed by mayors (RTK2)

Following the announcement of the MPs from the Serbian List about visits to Serb-majority municipalities and the Gorani community from 20 to 22 March, the head of the Serbian List caucus group Slavko Simic said to RTK2 that this idea emerged at the end of last year and that conditions are now ripe for assessing problems faced by residents.

The Mayor of Ranilug/Ranillug Municipality, Gradimir Mikic, said that it is good that MPs will visit all municipalities and described it as a step forward in addressing problems municipalities are faced with.

The Mayor of Zubin Potok, Stevan Vulovic, said that there are problems with the unemployment in his municipality and added that this problem is continuously being dealt. He also voiced hope that his municipality will have no unemployed people in two years’ time.

Former MP in the Kosovo parliament from the ranks of the Serbian Renewal Movement, Ranđel Nojkić, however said that this initiative is a pre-election campaign ahead of the forthcoming Serbian elections, and explained that it is an indirect campaign targeting local institutions and ones that are in the system of the Republic of Serbia, with the aim of scoring the best possible results in the elections.