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Jevtic: Thaci to go from words to action (RTS, RTK2)

Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtić said that it is good to hear from newly elected Kosovo President Hahsim Thaci that dialogue with Belgrade has no alternative, however he added that Serbs expect things to move from words to action.

“It is good to hear that dialogue has no alternative, because without it there won’t be solutions to problems and reconciliation. We want to see things move from words to action. Certain agreements have been reached in Brussels and we want to see implementation, first of all of the agreement on Community of Serb Municipalities,” said Jevtić to RTS.

When asked whether it is realistic to expect Thaci to change anything, bearing in mind that that presidential mandate does not involve much competencies, Jevtić said that the fact should not be ignored that most of Albanians have voted for Thaci and that this has weight even though his function does not consist in the competencies of a prime minister. “We expect him to do more from this position in order that agreed is implemented,” said Jevtić.

He also reflected on numerous attacks on Serbs throughout Kosovo, and latest incident when a forest belonging to a Serb in village Crkolez was set on fire, and said that this is more evidence that Serbs are still not welcomed by Albanians and that Kosovo institutions have to do more to protect the vulnerable.
