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Miletic: Community of Serb-majority municipalities is not needed (RTK2)

Former MP and vice-president of the Kosovo Parliament from the ranks of Serbian community, Petar Miletic, has criticized the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels.

At a conference organized by BIRN on the occasion of publication of a report dubbed ‘Big Deal’, Miletic said that Kosovo doesn’t need Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities because Serbs in Kosovo have sufficient rights deriving from the Constitution and Kosovo laws. He also criticized the work of the representatives of Serbs in Pristina, along of those at the local level, and said that they are not investing sufficient efforts. He explained that they can’t be engaged more because they were not elected and hat they have to do what they are told by Djuric, whereas, according to him, Vucic has appointed the deputy prime minister and ministers in the Kosovo government.

Miletic also claims that such developments have led to situation that relations between Serbs and Albanians today are worse. However, he also argues that the Brussels Agreement will fail if the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities is not created.
