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Serbs from Orahovac/Rahovec are targeted by robbers (RTK2)

Serbs in Orahovac/Rahovec have been targeted by burglars for months. On Monday evening livestock of the owner Vladimir Moravcevic was damaged and almost a flock of pigeons was stolen and few ornamental chickens. Locals are complaining on the work of the police while they claim that they perform their work responsibly.

Residents of this village are visibly upset and say that robberies are more often in Orahovac/Rahovec. They fear for their safety, they do not see a way out of this situation which, according to them, has become unbearable. Intimidation, burglary, arson and theft are becoming part of everyday life.

''Two nights ago, they came in here and smashed three cages, stole about 110 pigeons, they killed a dozen quail, I have found approximately six dead pigeons in the yard. I kept them for six years.  Nothing ever happened. The last month, chickens have been stolen from all, and now it’s my turn, unfortunately.  They pressure us from all sides. We have reported to the police, they came but nothing came of it. Recently they have tried to burn a house here by igniting the door, than, a month ago another house, these are the messages that we need to leave, nothing else," says Vladimir Moravcevic, from Orahovac/Rahovec.

Two months ago, and Milan Stanojevic was the victim of intimidation, when unknown persons have broken into the yard and slashed the tires of the car. The perpetrators have not been found.

''It is vandalism. No one guarantees the security; therefore, we have no one to rely upon.  We feel a growing fear, because we are on our own. Day before yesterday, in the Serbian street, a group of drug addicts, alcoholics have caused trouble by shouting. They pulled people from their homes, several members of the Roma community, and bullied them. The Serbs have called the police to help them, the police did not come," emphasizes Milan Stanojevic.

The villagers point out that all this contributed to the sale of Serbian property in Orahovac/Rahovec, and that the police do nothing to remedy a numerous incidents in this city. The RTK team has contacted the police station in Orahovac/Rahovec. We were told that the investigation is on-going and that the offender was not found yet.