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Serbian mayors not to host Mustafa (Politika)

The announcement of Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa that he would visit soon Leposavić/Leposaviq, and then the rest northern Serbian municipalities, thus becoming the first head of government in Pristina who visited the north, is not acceptable, and has been sent on his own initiative. This is a message of the representatives of the majority Serbian local governments with whom daily Politika has talked yesterday.

Dragan Jablanović, Mayor of Leposavić/Leposaviq says for Politika daily that it would be a unilateral step and that he found out from the media about the intention of the Kosovo Prime Minister.

"At the meeting, which was attended by Serbian mayors and representatives in the Kosovo government, we have talked primarily about further steps around the census that Pristina is announcing, but at one point I also asked about Mustafa's arrival. Individually, we cannot decide, we need a common position. From Belgrade suggestion came not to accept any proposal on this subject," emphasizes Jablanović.

Asked whether it can be expected that Mustafa could still come, the mayor of Leposavić/Leposaviq responds negatively.

"No for sure. He can only do it on his own, and that no one receive him," states Jablanović.

Mayor of Zvečan/Zveqan, Vučina Janković, says for Politika that Mustafa's visit was not a planned topic of the meeting of the Serb representatives in Kosovo. When asked about the census in the north, Jablanović says that Serbian representatives agreed that there are no conditions for the implementation of this process. He says that he even earlier conveyed this attitude to the representatives of the US and EU, announcing that if Pristina still tries to go with census among the Serb population, he will invite his fellow citizens not to respond to it.

''It is enough to consider the way how the Kosovo authorities in 2011 have conducted the census among the majority Albanian population. It turned out that 700,000 are imaginary. Then 1.8 million people were registered, and then in the provincial elections have appeared 1,980,000 voters. It means there are 180,000 more voters than residents," said Jablanović.