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Another case of theft of cattle in Novo Brdo (TV Puls)

After a short quiet period, another case of theft of a cattle again took place in the Novo Brdo/Novobërdë region. Family Miljković from the village Izvor has been left without almost all cattle, what has brought their existence in question.

During the night between Sunday and Monday, unknown perpetrators took away almost all cattle from their barn. “They stole four caws, one bull and a calf. They took away and two more calf, but they left them, they couldn’t take them,” said Miodrag Miljković, and added that he will do his best to survive.

Villages in Novo Brdo/Novobërdë municipality are often targeted by thieves. Unknown perpetrators recently also stole all cattle from Miljković’s relative from the same village. He added that Kosovo Police has opened the investigation, however not a single case of theft was resolved so far.