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Kosovo judiciary: Positions for another 14 Serbian judges (Kossev)

Agreement on the judiciary reached in Brussels last February should be fully implemented in September or October this year. Last year the vacancy for 48 judges of Serbian nationality was advertised and the Panel proposed 34 candidates to the Judicial Council. For the remaining 14 vacant positions in the repeated competition applied 28 candidates, whose appointment was decided by three judges of the Supreme Court and two judges of EULEX, said President of the Supreme Council of Kosovo, Nexhat Idrizi.

The newly formed court in Northern Mitrovica will be in the former Jugobanka building. It is anticipated that the courts will work according to the Kosovo Laws. Territorial jurisdiction of the court is determined by the place of residence. However, many details of this agreement are not yet known. President of the Judicial Council of Kosovo, Nexhat Idrizi said that many issues related to the agreement will be additionally discussed.  "The destiny of the cases that were initiated in the courts that are functioning according to the system of Serbia will be decided by the Committee, which will determine in which stage the proceedings are. The next step will be handing over of the cases," he said.
