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Parts of plots owned by Serbs declared as streets (Vesti)

Serbs who live in Pristina municipality are outraged by a decision of local authorities to usurp their properties. Without any explanation the Municipality, headed by the Mayor, Shpend Ahmeti, from the ranks Self-Declaration (Vetëvendosje) Movement, has turned into streets the parts of plots owned by Serbs in the village Čaglavica and placed street name boards overnight.

“We don’t have idea when and how they did it. We don’t even know to whom to complain and who could place the street name board on my own property,” says Radovan Ničić from Čaglavica. He explained that his family owns 87 acres of land and that four brothers agreed to leave some space for the internal road within their parcels in order to have better access with vehicles to their houses. “This was done and by our neighbors too. We all pay taxes on this property, and they have turned it into a street and even placed a name street there,” added Ničić.

Beside Ničić family, and other Serbian families who live in same part of the village Čaglavica have noticed the street name boards on their properties. Some have decided to resolve the problem by removing the boards. The decision about placing the street name boards was brought by Pristina Municipal Assembly.
