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Proposal to reward the person who would reveal the locations of potential grave sites (Vesti)

A member of the working group for drafting the law on missing persons, Lawyer Miroslav Perković proposes that Serbia initiate the adoption of a regional law that would, after more than twenty years since the end of the war, not only solve the problem of missing persons but also and competence of the prosecution of war crimes.

A key innovation of this law would be a reward for all those who would report a location of yet undiscovered mass graves to the competent authorities.

- All countries of the region as a priority for the normalization of relations with its neighbours highlight the resolution of the issue of missing persons. My proposal offers the opportunity to finally solve this problem, but this has to be agreed at the regional level, since it will not be enough that only Serbia bring the law - says  Miroslav Perković, who submitted to the President of the Working Group for drafting the law a summary of his view on solving the issue of missing persons.

- The practice so far has shown that the problem of missing persons is not resolved effectively. It is therefore necessary to introduce a system of rewarding for those who would reveal the location of yet undiscovered mass graves. This system would involve punitive deductions, if it is a person already in an investigative or judicial proceedings or monetary rewards for people who have relevant information. An agreement at a regional conference is necessary for it, between all the countries in the region because it will mean nothing if only Serbia accepts. It is therefore important that the European Union to be a kind of guarantee that everything agreed, will be respected - explains Perković for Vesti.