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Drecun: US not ready to fully stand behind Pristina (B92, Tanjug, TV Most)

The US has ‘invested a lot of bombs’ in 1999 for reaching Kosovo’s independence, however the times have changed and Americans are now aware that without Serbia nothing significant could be achieved in the region, stated the chairperson of the Serbian Assembly’s Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun.

“Times have changed, American position is different and they are not ready to stand one hundred per cents behind Pristina,” said Drecun to B92, and added that visit of the US vice-president Joseph Biden to Serbia will confirm that US have more rational approach toward Serbia and Kosovo issue than some European states.

He doesn’t expect US would request Serbia to recognize Kosovo as a state, however it is clear that Serbia is expected to contribute to the process of normalization and stabilization of Serbian-Albanian relations. Drecun went on to say that he expects Biden to pass harsher messages to Pristina, which is his next stop.

“They will for sure discuss the Community of Serb municipalities, which is the cornerstone of the Brussels Agreement, and without which it is senseless to talk about the process of normalization,” said Drecun, and added that all other issues together do not bear such importance. He further said that Brussels and Washington are expected to have important role in this process.