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Jevtić: We have to work together to resolve the problem of missing persons (TV Most)

Serbian and Albanian sides have to work on resolving the problem of missing persons, said Minister for Communities and Return in the provincial government, Dalibor Jevtić, on the occasion of the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances.

Jevtić said that there is still big number of unresolved cases of missing persons and that war has never brought anything good to anyone.

“Both sides have lost and suffered a lot in that war. This topic should be addressed at different levels, not only in the frame of the political dialogue, instead this dialogue has to be carried out and between the civil society, because in this way we would overcome situation that is difficult and painful, and what is most difficult is that so many years after the conflict families of missing persons do not know where are the graves of their loved ones,” said Jevtić.
