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Protest of the CI SDP due to a transfer of prisoners (KiM radio)

The Citizens' Initiative SDP strongly condemns the sudden decision to transfer several inmates from the prison in Mitrovica to a prison in the town of Podujevo/Podujevë.

GI SDP members say that this unjustified action is disturbing for the family members of the detainees as well as for the public in the north of Kosovo.

"Podujevo is ethnically cleansed, Albanian city, and the stay of prisoners of Serbian nationality in the same jeopardizes their human rights," said Citizens' Initiative SDP and emphasizes that "this is yet another case of double standards."

The CI SDP reminds the Kosovo authorities and EULEX that members of the Drenica Group simply have ran away when they had to be transferred to, for them, "inappropriate" prison in Mitrovica.

"We urgently seek the reaction of EULEX, whose one of the main objectives of stay in Kosovo is to protect human rights, to clarify but and to annul the decision and return the detainees to Kosovska Mitrovica," the statement reads.

"We do not interfere in the decisions of the judicial authorities, but we are fighting for the basic rights of the Serbian people in Kosovo," said the statement.