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Mustafa: Soon the courts in the north; Simić: Following year only (RTK2)

While official Pristina expects soon the full implementation of the Brussels agreement on the judiciary from 2015, in the north say that the process of integrating the north into Kosovo's judicial system stopped.

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa announced that a judicial system will be established in the north, with one Basic Court and one prosecution office for six municipalities.

Councillor of the Municipality of North Mitrovica Igor Simić says that the process of integration of the judicial system in the north stopped.

"Their attitude was very clearly stated by Mr Kabašić and that is that as long as there is a situation in which the interests of the Serbian community in the north is not respected, the process of integration of judges and prosecutors is on thin ice, that is, currently is stopped", said Simić.

The Prime Minister stressed that preparations for the implementation of agreements have already been done.

"The parallel judicial structures are abolished, and candidates for judges, prosecutors and Administrative personnel are recruited".

On the other hand, Simić says that Serbian representatives are not involved in the appointment process of judges and prosecutors and the establishment of a unique judicial system will not be possible this year.