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Association of Families of Missing Persons without great expectations (KIM Radio)

Families of kidnapped and missing Serbs in Kosovo do not have too much expectation from the start of the Special Court's work and indictments, Silvana Marinković from the Association of Families of the Missing Serbs told KIM radio.

Distrust among family members of missing persons is the result of previous experience, says Marinković.

"Whatever was initiated in regards to resolving the issue of missing persons, the topic would always shift to something else that might be less important. Non-stop are being formed some new commissions, some new working groups. So that we, families of the missing, waste the time in finding the truth about our missing persons," said Marinković to KIM radio.

She believes that everything about issuing indictments against former members of the KLA will be difficult and slow, KIM radio reported.