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The highway Merdare-Niš is strategically important for Kosovo (N1, KoSSev)

A key initiative in the region is infrastructure connectivity.

Pristina authorities have already begun preparations for building a 22 km long highway from Pristina to Merdare, which should be continued from Merdare to Niš. Pristina says that the road is of strategic importance because it links Pristina to the European highway network.

The project for the construction of the Pristina-Niš highway was officially made at the last Summit for the Western Balkans held this year in Trieste.

The highway to be built between Pristina and Merdare should be a continuation of the already constructed highway between Pristina and the border with Albania. Thus, when it is over, the Pristina-Niš route will connect Albania and Kosovo with Serbia, or connect Kosovo and Albania with the European Highway Network.

Economic expert Ibrahim Rexhepi thinks that this road is of strategic importance to Kosovo, because it allows communication, traffic of goods and people.

-In this case, the biggest gain would be for those who are economically stronger, in this case Serbia. It has higher exports, more offers, but the strategic position of Serbia this way will change because it automatically gets easier exit to 3-4 ports, which is a great advantage, says Rexhepi.

Economic expert Naim Gashi, on the other hand, believes that Kosovo will definitely benefit from the Merdare-Niš highway, both due to exports and the diaspora traveling through the south of Serbia.

-The benefits of Kosovo from this highway are multi-dimensional. Firstly, all exports to Kosovo go through Serbia, and this will reduce the cost of export products in Kosovo, which will make the consumer basket cheaper. Another benefit is that one-third of Kosovo's population lives abroad and those who come to Kosovo use the highways of Serbia. I think that this will also affect the reduction of tension in the political aspect, Gashi said.

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of Kosovo says that they are interested in starting construction of the Pristina-Merdare highway as long as 22 kilometres long.

"The references for the construction of a preliminary project for the route from Pristina to Merdare are defined. The road will be financed by the EU, and a company is designated to do the preliminary road project in the next 12 months," the ministry said.

The Niš-Merdare highway will be 77 kilometres long. It is estimated that the road will be built by 2020.