"Bosnia won't even consider recognizing Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92)
Not only will Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) not recognize Kosovo - it will not even consider doing it, says the country's foreign minister, Igor Crnadak.
Crnadak told the agency Fena on Friday that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj urging Sarajevo to recognize Kosovo "will have no effect," and described Haradnija's statements as "futile". The issue of recognizing Kosovo will not even be considered by the end of the mandate of the current Council of Ministers, he added. "There is no recognition of Kosovo in BiH not thanks to the position of Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) and Croats, but precisely because of the position of representatives of the Serb Republic (RS), and those parties that make up the authorities on the BiH level, and are in power in the RS. Everyone's united on this issue and there is no chance of that situation changing," Crnadak said. The minister added that there was agreement in BiH to try and simplify the visa regime, and facilitate the movement of people and goods, especially when it comes to business people, in order to increase economic activity. "Generally speaking, we should try to simplify a lot of things to make life easier for 'ordinary' people and everyday functioning. However, in the sense of a change in the position of BiH when it comes to recognizing Kosovo, this will definitely not be discussed," Crnadak concluded. See at: http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2017&mm=09&dd=29&nav_id=102435