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Published names of future councillors, the Serbian List has the most (Kossev)

The Central Election Commission has published the names of future councillors in the assemblies of municipalities in Kosovo. In all ten municipalities with a Serb majority, the candidates of the Serbian List won most of the councillor seats.

Results were announced last night after re-counting about 700 ballot boxes. Possible complaints of election results can be submitted as of today, from 12 o'clock, to when more detailed results will be announced, according to the CEC, Kossev reports.

In North Mitrovica, The Serbian List will have 14 councillors. The CI SDP Oliver Ivanovic will have 3, and PDK 2 councillors.

In Zvecan, the Serbian List will have 13 councillors, CI "For our Zvecan” 5, and the movement Self-Determination a one.

In Leposavic, the Serbian List will have 12 councillors, the Party of Kosovo Serbs 6, and one, the CI "Democratic Initiative".

Thirteen councillors, the Serbian List will have in Zubin Potok, and the "Civic Initiative for Zubin Potok” two. LDK won 2; PDK one and one goes to Self-Determination.