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Milena Ivanovic: It is not true Vucic refused to meet my husband (Danas,Tanjug, RTS)

Wife of murdered Oliver Ivanovic, Milena Ivanovic told Danas daily it is not true that the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic refused to meet with her husband, a few days prior to his murder.

Following the statement of the Serbian President Vucic “that he helped Ivanovic more than some other politicians,” speculations appeared in higher political cycles on alleged Vucic’s refusal to meet Oliver Ivanovic, Serbian media reported.

Milena Ivanovic said this information is not accurate.

“This information is not accurate. They were earlier discussing to meet, but this meeting did not occur,” Ivanovic told Danas daily.

She also added, the family has no information on the investigation of her husband’s murder, but she expects they would be announced in the next couple of days, Serbian media reported.