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“UN chief presenting new report, and Kosovo won't like it” (Tanjug, B92)

UN Security Council is meeting in New York today to discuss the latest Kosovo report filed by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Tanjug news agency reports.

The report concerns the work of UN's mission in Kosovo and Metohija, UNMIK, and covers the period from mid-October until mid-January.

Belgrade is represented at the Council's session by First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

In his regular report, Guterres sharply criticizes the authorities in Pristina, stating that "processes" related to the start of work of the Special Court for KLA crimes and demarcation with Montenegro had seen a setback. As one of the most important events in the past three months, he identified the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, a Serb politician from northern Kosovo.

Guterres pointed out that in 2017, 498 persons returned to Kosovo - the lowest number since 2000. The report also states that in the past three months there has been visible regression in Kosovo in key areas, above all in impartial application of the rule of law.

"Recent attempts by certain members of the Assembly to repeal the law on the Specialist Chambers and undermine the credibility of this institution is deeply disappointing. I urge political leaders in Kosovo to show full commitment to justice and the rule of law," Guterres said in a report published on the UN Security Council website.

He added that "the establishment of the Specialist Chambers and the Prosecution is a key step with which Kosovo should show a sincere desire to uphold the rule of law."

As the second key event in the past three months, the UN chief cited the killing of Ivanovic, stating that this murder caused "shock and anger" in Kosovo and the wider region. "Rapid detection of responsible persons and their bringing to justice are key factors for sustaining momentum towards lasting peace," he wrote.

Guterres welcomed "the restraint of political leaders after this cowardly crime," as well as the determination of Belgrade and Pristina to cooperate and prevent a flare up of political tensions.

He urged leaders in Belgrade and Pristina to continue engaging in 2018 toward the full implementation of the agreements reached in the dialogue mediated by the EU.

The report contains annexes on the work of the EU rule of law mission EULEX, as well as the Specialist Chambers and the Specialist Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo in the past period.

The one about the Special Court (Specialist Chambers) states that an investigation continues into the report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe entitled, "Inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo."

"Regardless of attempts to abolish or amend the special law (establishing the court), the Office of the Special Prosecutor remains focused on fulfilling its obligations," the annex said.