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Rakic: Final decision after consultation with Vucic (RTS)

President of the Serbian List Goran Rakic told RTS that he will consider further participation in the Kosovo government. Morning is smarter than the evening, we will make a wise decision, we will be guided by the interests of citizens, Rakic says.

Violence and the raid of Kosovo special forces upset Serbs in the north of Kosovo, reports Serbian national broadcaster RTS.  Goran Rakic says in the RTS morning news that it was not only a brutal attack, but a classical terrorist attack on unarmed Serb people and that none of the participants have given the reason to the units of the ROSU to react in that way.

Without any cause, the units of ROSU trample and kicked the minister in Pristina's government, Nenad Rikalo, who is in hospital with serious injuries, the mayor of Leposavic, the director of the College in Leposavic, says Rakic in the morning news adding that that they are concerned but not scared.

"The citizens organized themselves last night, there are barricades in the north again, we will meet with President Vucic, we have adopted the initiative last night at the Presidency and we will consider further participation in the provincial government," says Rakic.

"After today's consultations with the president, we will make the final decision," Rakic says.

He sent a message to Special Forces and their orderers that never again will happen such brutal attack of ROSU in the north, reports RTS.

Speaking about Marko Djuric, he says that he was admitted in Kursumlija hospital and that he arrived last evening to Belgrade where medical assistance was provided in the Clinical Hospital Center.

"Certainly they did not do this alone, but they had the help of foreign mentors, Djuric had an alternative exit, he could go out, he did not want to leave the participants in the dialogue. They tried to humiliate him, they failed because he is a brave man, he stood in front of his people, and I expect he will come to Kosovo again in following days," Rakic says.

"They did not scare us, we will stay down; we will fight with all democratic means. The people always knew to fight for freedom, especially from the north," says Rakic.