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Forced to choose between Kosovo and EU, Serbians pick Kosovo (BETA, B92)

According to a new survey, a huge majority of Serbia's citizens would pick Kosovo if they had to choose between Kosovo and the EU.

The choice in question refers to "accepting Kosovo's independence as a condition for EU membership" - and as many 81 percent of respondents in the poll, conducted by the Institute for European Affairs NGO and Ninamedia, said they would not.

11 percent would "accept the offer," according to the results.

According to the poll, a possible partition of Kosovo is supported by a third of citizens, while half are opposed to the idea, but a majority would not accept Kosovo as independent even if that accelerated Serbia's EU integration.

Only 3.4 percent said they participated in the internal dialogue on Kosovo, while a quarter of respondents believe that this or the next Serbian government will recognize Kosovo.

45 percent think that Kosovo is not lost for Serbia, while 43 percent think that it is - the latter group includes more young and well-educated respondents.

"There is complete division among Serbian citizens also when it comes to the possibility of Serbia again assuming full control and sovereignty over Kosovo. 45 percent think this is not possible, while 42 percent think this is possible," it is stated in the results.

The poll, carried out March 16-20, included a representative sample of 1,203 respondents.