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Jevtic to his colleagues in Kosovo Government: We should look each other in eyes (Radio KIM)

Outgoing Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic said today during the government’s session that following the events in Mitrovica North on Monday, “we should look each other in the eyes and get responses to some questions,” KIM Radio reported.

He requested from the government members response as why the force was used against Serbs who raised their hands up and based on the order lie down on the floor. “Were out pens and notebooks threat to anyone?” Jevtic asked. Jevtic added the only aim of the meeting in Mitrovacki dvor was peace, stability and cooperation and that aim has not changed. “There were no criminals or drug dealers in that room. Members of the Government identified themselves,” Jevtic added. He asked his colleagues who among them called Minister Rikalo to ask how he is, after he was beaten up by ROSU members. He reminded that 32 people were injured on that day. He reminded his colleagues, foremost Minister of Interior, Flamur Sefaj that they are legitimate representatives elected in elections. He recalled yesterday’s arrest of 8 Serbs in Pec as well. “What kind of messages are these? I do not know how long it will be like that?” Jevtic asked Jevtic further said he would feel ashamed if any Albanian would be treated in a way as the Office for Kosovo Director Marko Djuric was treated. “If you wish to work for peace and stability in the future and to build trust then an investigation should be opened to identify responsibilities for events on Monday.” He reminded that establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities is an obligation of the Kosovo Government deriving from Brussels agreement. He told his colleague Pal Lekaj who threatened with arrests over Srpska Lista initiative to establish the Association of the Serb Municipalities on their own, that he sends a bad message and it is not good to threaten anyone. Jevtic added that Serbs would do nothing that is not an obligation or has not been signed, Radio KIM reported.