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Kosovo and Interpol: Blockade of Pristina with the support of Russia (Vecernje Novosti)

Today's edition of the Vecernje Novosti daily reports that Serbia has already begun diplomatic activities before the General Assembly of Interpol, which will be held in November in the United Arab Emirates. The activities are aimed at preventing Kosovo's admission to that organization, and as the daily reports, Moscow is the main partner of Belgrade. Moscow will lobby in Lyon, at the headquarters of this organization, for Kosovo not to be found on the final agenda of the Assembly, to be determined in autumn.

The daily recalls that last month Pristina announced to have a confirmation for the request to be included in the draft agenda of the 87th Interpol GA, to be held from November 18 to 21.

Delegation of Serbia, led by Vladimir Rebic, the director of the police recently visited the Interpol headquarters, who said that Serbia would talk to all members of this organization in order to convince them that the eventual accession of Kosovo to Interpol would not be in the interests of Serbia or Interpol himself.

As Novosti write, at the General Assembly of 2017, a resolution was passed on clear guidelines, procedures and criteria for membership of that organization, so the countries seeking admission must now confirm that they meet all the "necessary conditions of statehood". Palestine thus was admitted a membership, but, unlike Kosovo, it has the status of an observer in the UN.