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Serbian MUP banned entry of Kosovo karate representation (Danas, RTK2)

Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs early this morning did not permit karate representation from Kosovo to enter central Serbia at Merdare crossing point and continue towards Novi Sad where European championship is being held, Danas daily reported.  

According to RTK 2 journalist reporting from the Merdare crossing point, leadership of the Kosovo Karate Federation was informed decision to ban their entry was made this morning. Kosovo representation returned to Pristina, while Olympic Committee and Kosovo Government would decide on further steps.

Danas daily also reported the enforced presence of Serbian Police could be seen at the Merdare crossing point.

“Despite our wish to be good host to all sportsmen in the forthcoming European Karate Championship in Novi Sad, sportsmen from Kosovo will not be part of this competition, as the sport was not their priority this time as well,” Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement.

Danas daily further reported that two groups in two different times tried to enter the territory of central Serbia contrary to the agreement, but they have been returned back to Kosovo last night and early this morning from administrative crossing point Merdare.

“Despite precise announcement on the strictly status neutral manner of participation and representation of sportsmen from Kosovo and Metohija, smaller part of a delegation from Kosovo appeared last night, around 23.00, at administrative crossing point Merdare with insignia of a false state of “Kosovo,” with undoubtable intention to cause provocation at this competition.”

"This morning again, larger part of a delegation from our southern province tried to enter with insignia and equipment with symbols of self-declared “Kosovo.” Both delegations have been returned, thus attempt of Pristina representatives to turn karate arena into a political one is prevented by strict implementation of the Agreement on official visits,” Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a press statement.

The Office also said Pristina did not submit request for the visit and participation of a delegation on time and in line with the Agreement on official visits.

“They did it with three-day delay, instead latest on Friday by 17.00 hrs, the announcement of the visit was delivered only on Monday in the afternoon, precisely at 16:17.”

The Office for KiM also said karate representatives from Kosovo and Metohija did not appear yesterday on earlier scheduled meeting with European Karate Federation representatives, where they should agree on and elaborate details on the manner of participation and representation of sportsmen from our southern province at European championship in Novi Sad, which clearly speaks that sport was not their priority this time as well, Danas daily reported.