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Reaction of Serbian Orthodox Church Visoki Decani Monastery on KTV news “Decani Monastery prevents construction of the Plav-Decani Road” (KoSSev)

"Regarding the news published by KTV on Friday “Decani Monastery prevents construction of the Plav-Decani Road,“ we are compelled to inform the public about the facts related to the road and express sincere regret for comments expressed in public by Dečani mayor Bashkim Ramosaj. According to the Kosovo law on Special Protected Zones (SPZ) which is related to the protection of cultural heritage, it is prohibited to construct transit roads through the zones surrounding most important cultural and historical monuments, among which is the UNESCO World Heritage Site – Serbian Orthodox Monastery of Visoki Dečani. This road has been discussed at the Council for Implementation of Special Protected Zones IMC several times so far. The Council in which participate the highest representatives of the EU Office, OSCE, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Spatial Planning and the Serbian Orthodox Church reached a decision several years ago that the construction of this road was unacceptable because in the long run the road would endanger peace, natural surrounding around the monastery and is in direct contradiction with all standards not only of the Law but also the standards of protection of the UNESCO monuments. The transit road would considerably increase the traffic (especially the heavy vehicles), noise and pollution. That is exactly why in Europe today transit roads are being dislocated from the areas of important cultural and historical monuments. This was the reason why the Council suggested that the road should be constructed outside the SPZ, which was accepted by the Kosovo Government and the then Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci inaugurated the first part of the bypass route of Dečani-Plav road outside of the protected zone, through the Loćanska Bistrica valley. ( is external) and article is external) ) The initiative to disregard this decision of the Kosovo Government and step into a direct breach of law is therefore a matter of concern and in the long run is damaging for all citizens in this region. EU and OSCE representatives have already presented their legal analyses and reached conclusion that the construction of the road next to the Monastery, through the SPZ, would be a direct violation of law, as it is a prohibited activity which does not even depend on the position of the Monastery itself. Therefore it is absolutely useless and damaging to make pressure on the Monastery and the municipality should rather focus on the respect of the Law which was adopted by Kosovo Parliament and is of importance for the rule of law and future of all citizens. Beside attempts to violate this law and directly endanger one of the most important cultural and historical monuments, we must also say that for two years Dečani Municipality denies registration of the land which was confirmed as the property of Dečani Monastery by the decisions of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts of Kosovo. Disrespect of the decisions of Kosovo’s highest legal bodies is detrimental not only for citizens of Dečani Municipality but also sends a negative message to the world about the absence of rule of law as well as the lack of observing Kosovo’s own legal and judicial decisions. Visoki Dečani Monastery supports construction of the road to Plav but outside the boundaries of the Special Protected Zone, in agreement with the previous decision of Kosovo Government. At the same time the Monastery expects the monastery land to be registered in the Land register and hopes the Municipality of Dečani will stop with persistent pressures which endanger the security situation in Dečani Municipality. The road next to the Monastery which extends into the Dečani gorge is of local character and is used every day by citizens, especially elderly people and children for walking and recreation. Turning this road into a heavy traffic thoroughfare which will become a main gateway to Kosovo from Montenegro would endanger both Dečani citizens and the Monastery. Therefore it is essential that the road to Plav is constructed according to the route stipulated by the Kosovo Government in 2014 and that the existing road near the Monastery remains of recreational character, as an oasis of peace and preservation of the natural surroundings."