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Former USA ambassadors to Serbia on dialogue, Tramp, world powers (Tanjug, B92)

Serbia has good contacts with Washington administration and the State Department, former US Ambassador to Serbia Cameron Munter assessed.

Munter added if Serbia wishes better contact with the US President Donald Trump it should focus on the State Secretary Mike Pompeo and Trump’s foreign policy advisory John Balton.

In a statement to Tanjug news agency, Munter said Trump differs very much from his predecessors, his style is different, and he is more focused on “domestic issues rather than on classical foreign policy.”

“My advice would be – go after Pompeo, Bolton, there you would find people who are open,” Munter said.

Meanwhile, William Montgomery, also former US Ambassador to Serbia told Serbian media that crucial world powers have no intention to treat Serbia fairly or to be neutral in resolving the Kosovo issue.

He assessed such situation as “pitiful” since Serbia is ready for a compromise. Montgomery also said that Kosovo Albanians have no intention either to make some significant concessions, and that crucial international players are encouraging such attitude.

“The fate of Bosnia and Kosovo is to be frozen conflicts in a near future. That is a pity, since Serbia shows willingness and readiness to make difficult decisions, and asks nothing in return but reciprocity,” Montgomery said.

“If it would be me, I would make no further concessions until promise on the establishment of the ZSO is formally and fully implemented.”

“This is a Litmus test of sincerity and reliability of the both international community and Kosovo Albanians,” Montgomery concluded, Serbian media reported.