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Outgoing PM Thaci gives interview to Deutsche Welle (dailies)

Outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, gave an interview to Deutsche Welle where he said that despite difficulties in the creation of new Kosovo institutions, the special court will be put in place by January, at the latest. “Assembly of Kosovo has approved the creation of the special court and Kosovo will act on its obligations and requests from the international community. I have complete confidence that the Kosovo political spectrum will be unified in this direction”, said Thaci.

He said that the recent actions of the law enforcement mechanisms were in line with Government’s zero tolerance policy to any extremist ideology that could be a threat for Kosovo’s security. “We will soon pass the law on people that take part in wars outside Kosovo”, said Thaci adding that Kosovo was and will remain a place that fostered religious tolerance and civilized dialogue while the recent arrests of persons suspected of terrorism are based on facts. “Kosovo is a free and independent country. It is a place of a society with Euro-Atlantic orientation that will gain membership in NATO and European Union. Kosovo is a new European country which will continue the battle for good and against evil in eternal good relations with US”.

Speaking about June elections and the current political situation, Thaci said that his Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) has scored a convincing victory in elections and has won the legitimacy of the citizens to form new institutions but will do so after the decision of the Constitutional Court. He said that the best governing formula includes PDK creating a coalition with partners and thus ensured a strong, legitimate government.

He said the dialogue with Belgrade will continue and there are already meetings between the two sides on different levels in Brussels. “It is two years now since we started the dialogue on technical issues. We have reached some agreement and the implementation of all these agreements must take place in prior to launching a dialogue on other technical issues. No dialogue will be successful without the beginning of the implementation of these agreements. Of course, I am working to have good neighbourly relations, good cooperation, good relations in the region, a European perspective for the state of Kosovo, and for Serbia. Kosovo is on the verge of concluding the supervision of Independence, on September 11. Kosovo has obtained 91 international recognitions and is being consolidated and strengthened day by day. And of course, contacts of an increased political level is in the interest of our two countries in accelerating the process of mutual recognition as sovereign countries to be integrated into NATO and the European Union, both Kosovo and Serbia. We are consolidating and strengthening. It is in the best interest to grow, and naturally, to have political levels in order to accelerate the process of recognition of the two countries. The status issue is closed once and for all. Kosovo is a sovereign and independent country. We have meetings of political levels with all neighbouring countries and we can do the same with Serbia”, said Thaci.

Thaci urged Serbian citizens in the north to increase their trust in Kosovo institutions. “They should not remain deceived and be victims of politics, but should recognize the reality and have economic development, have increased social welfare and a better life”, said Kosovo’s outgoing prime minister.

Thaci also announced that he will be travelling to Berlin on 28 August on the invitation of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel to take part in a Balkans conference.
