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Preferences of citizens: VV 21%, LDK 20%, and PDK 18.5% (gazetablic)

A group of non-governmental organizations in Kosovo, has measured, among other issues, preferences of Kosovar voters when the political parties are concerned. The preliminary results show that 21 percent assessed Vetëvendosje with the maximal grade five, 20 percent chose the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK,) while 18.5 percent the Democratic Party of Kosovo(PDK.) The survey does not represent for which political party the respondents would vote, but only their preferences for the parties and convictions about which one of them could resolve the best around 100 problems identified by the population.

These figures are the result of the assessment of the respondents for each party, which was made by grades one to five, the latter being the highest assessment.

The respondents were asked which party in Kosovo they believed would resolve their problems. PDK received the most of the lowest grade, 37%, LDK being the second one on the percentage of receiving the lowest grade (27%,) and VV (18%.)

These are preliminary results of this survey, reports this portal and ads that major changes are not expected, especially when PDK is concerned, because it stands “stoically” on the third position. Gazeta Blic will publish the final results in the evening. The margin of error is assessed to be two percent.