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The Constitutional Court decides in favor of the PDK (kohaonline)

The constitutional Court issued a press relase which stresses that on Thursday, 21 August 2014, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo deliberated and voted on Case KO119/14, concerning the constitutional review of Decision on the election of the President of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, No. 05-V-001, voted by 83 deputies of the Assembly on 17 July 2014.

The referral was submitted to the Court on 18 July 2014 by Xhavit Haliti and 29 other deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo.

The Constitutional Court decided the following:

I. TO DECLARE, unanimously, the Referral admissible;

II. TO HOLD, by majority, that:

a. The meeting and procedure followed after adjournment of the constitutive session on 17 July 2014 by the Chairperson due to lack of quorum violated Article 67 (2) in conjunction with Article 64 (1) of the Constitution and Chapter III of the Rules of Procedure implementing these Articles;

b. The Decision No. 05-V-001 of 17 July 2014 is unconstitutional as regards the procedure followed and as well as in substance as it was not the largest parliamentary group that proposed the President of the Assembly and, therefore, is null and void;

c. The constitutive session of the Assembly, which started on 17 July 2014, has not been accomplished, namely by not electing President and Deputy Presidents of the Assembly. Therefore, the Assembly has to complete the constitutive session, by electing President and Deputy Presidents in accordance with Article 67 (2) in conjunction with Article 64 (1) of the Constitution and Chapter III of the Rules of Procedure implementing these Articles and this Judgment;

The full text of the Judgment will be served to the parties, posted on the website of the Court and published in the Official Gazette in due time.