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Written agreement on the broad-based coalition (Tribuna)

A written agreement that would encompass the main governing principles is expected to be signed in the coming days by leaders of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) on one hand and Vetevendosje on the other. The agreement comes as a necessity for LDK, AAK and NISMA to secure support from Vetevendosje.

Vetevendosje’s Dardan Molliqaj said it is very likely such an agreement will be reached. “We already have agreed on the content. Necessary changes and supplements are being made but they will not affect the essence of the content”, he said.

The agreement would be based on nine criteria that Vetevendosje has set to the three other opposition parties and also includes Kosovo taking on a different position towards dialogue with Serbia and changing privatization policies.

AAK’s Burim Ramadani is also optimistic an agreement will be achieved. He said it is now quite clear there will not be another term in office for a government led by Hashim Thaci and this, he added, implies the creation of a transparent, democratic government. “All these parties have given a clear message and signal that there will be good governance. Normally, we are all engaged on securing a better position for Kosovo in the region and in relation to the international community”, said Ramadani.