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Belgrade Media Report 8 June 2020



Brnabic: If there are no new barriers we can sit at the negotiating table (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Sunday that it can be said that the conditions for the continuation of the dialogue have been met, if in the next few days goods enter Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia proper, without any new taxes and any other barriers. Brnabic, who was visiting Arilje, pointed out, answering questions by journalists, that Belgrade has no problem sitting at the negotiating table. We really want, and it is in our interest for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina to continue as soon as possible, she said. She also welcomed the news that the conditions for opening the border of Montenegro with Serbia have been met. I knew that the conditions for opening the border would be met, because it is important for their tourism, and also because the reason that was set not to open the borders for the citizens of Serbia was political and had nothing to do with health issues, Brnabic said.


Brnabic: Pristina's decision great news for everyone (Tanjug/Novosti/Politika)


Prime Minister Brnabic welcomed on Saturday Pristina’s decision to abolish the measures that hindered the entry of Serbian goods into Kosovo and Metohija. During her visit to Pozega, Brnabic expressed satisfaction with that decision, estimating that it is good for Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia and the entire region. According to her, it will take a few days to see that the decision to lift the measures has been implemented. Answering journalists’ questions, she stated that the Serbian Constitution envisages that the elections can be postponed only if a state of emergency is re-introduced, which is not an option at the moment, although we have an increase in the number of coronavirus infected people per day in recent days. An increase in the number of infected people is expected because we have relaxed the measures, but that is nothing alarming, with which the profession agrees. I hope that it will remain under control and that there is no reason to panic, but there is reason to apply protection measures, she pointed out.


Vucic welcomes removal of trade barriers between Belgrade and Pristina (TV Prva/Beta)


President Vucic said it was good to have all trade barriers between Belgrade and Pristina removed, commenting on the decision of Kosovo authorities to annul the reciprocity measures on goods from Serbia. “I believe in the strength of the Serbian economy and our companies,” Vucic told TV Prva, adding that he believes the Serbs and Albanians could establish a good business relationship that everyone will benefit from. Vucic did not mention whether Belgrade would stop its campaign for the withdrawal of Kosovo independence recognition. He said on Friday that “we will do that when you (Pristina) stop the campaign to join the international organizations.”


Vucic confirms attendance at Victory Parade (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Sunday with Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko, who conveyed to him the invitation of President Vladimir Putin to attend the Victory Parade on 24 June in Moscow. Vucic confirmed he would attend the Victory Parade, proud of the fact that the Serbian and Russian people, committed to the tradition of freedom, stood on the same side of equity and justice in World War II. “It is a great honor to attend the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the victory over fascism. We won freedom in World War II with the help of the Red Army, and Serbia rejects the attempts of history revision. We will strive to maintain the truth,” said Vucic. Botsan-Kharchenko said that President Putin chose 24 June as on that day in 1945 a historical parade of winners was held on the Red Square headed by Marshals Zhukov and Rokossovsky, since the traditional parade on 9 May had to be postponed due to the coronavirus epidemic. Expecting the soon arrival of a high-ranking Russian official in Belgrade, the two discussed bilateral relations between Serbia and Russia, as well as the issue of Kosovo and Metohija.


Vucic receives letter from Chinese President (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Sunday with Chinese Ambassador Chen Bo, who delivered him a letter from President Xi Jinping. In the letter Xi thanks Vucic for “strong support to the Chinese side for the preservation of sovereignty and national security”. “China and Serbia remain consistent in their mutual understanding and shared support on issues of vital interest and serious concerns. Strong mutual political trust has laid a solid foundation for a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Serbia. We recently talked on the phone about cooperation in the fight against COVID-19. Our two countries support each other and fight the epidemic together, where we once again confirmed our brotherhood and friendship,” wrote Xi.

He points out that China and Serbia advocate an independent and autonomous policy, as well as resolute preservation of sovereignty and national security, and oppose outside interference. “I pay great attention to the development of Sino-Serbian relations, and I am ready to work with you to continuously deepen the friendly bilateral ties and cooperation in various fields, as well as to preserve international law and justice to contribute to building the common destiny of humanity actively,” reads the letter of President Xi. Vucic reiterated his gratitude for the support Serbia obtained from China and President Xi, particularly for the help during the coronavirus epidemic. Ambassador Chen said that personal contact between President Vucic and President Xi, including their recent telephone conversation, stimulated the ties between the two countries, and encouraged Chinese businessmen to strengthen cooperation with the Serbian counterparts. The two interlocutors expressed hope that a direct flight could be introduced between Belgrade and one of the major cities in China.


Dacic thanks Kenya for its consistent position on the Kosovo issue (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic talked on the phone with Kenyan Foreign Minister Raychelle Omamo. Dacic informed Omamo about the epidemiological situation in Serbia and about the continuous decrease in the number of people suffering from coronavirus, which led to the gradual abolition of restrictive measures and the opening of borders. He pointed out that Serbia appreciates Kenya's firm and constant position regarding the non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, and that our country is very grateful that Kenya remains consistent and faithful to the basic principles of international law and the principles of the United Nations Charter. During the talks, they talked about the improvement of further cooperation, and it was agreed that it is necessary to maintain the continuity of political dialogue at a high level, through the inheritance of decades of close and friendly cooperation. Dacic congratulated Minister Omamo on her appointment to this responsible position, and sent her an invitation to visit Serbia, when the conditions for that are met.


Obradovic calls opposition parties to withdraw candidates (FoNet)


The leader of the Dveri Movement Bosko Obradovic called all opposition parties registered to take part in the coming elections to withdraw their candidates. Obradovic’s press release called the Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) Dosta Je Bilo, Nova Stranka, 1 in 5 Million Movement and Serbian Patriotic Alliance to join the rest of the opposition in petitioning the Constitutional Court to rule on initiatives to assess the legality of the election process. The Dveri leader said that a ruling to call off the elections would create conditions for talks between the authorities and opposition on a new date for elections and conditions which would ensure free and fair elections.

Taking part in the 21 June parliamentary and local elections means being involved in violating the constitution and creating a semblance of democracy which would lead to an even worse political crisis, Obradovic warned.


Jeremic: Grenell working on final solution, many indications pointing to territorial exchange (Beta/NSPM)


Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) President Vuk Jeremic said on 8 June that on the international scene Serbia is getting key support from Russia when it comes to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, recalling that in 2008 by threatening a veto, Russia had stopped the United Nations Security Council from sanctioning Pristina’s unilateral declaration of independence. “US President Donald Trump has appointed a special negotiations envoy Richard Grenell, who is working with the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina on finding a final solution; and there are many indications that it will involve a territorial exchange, change of Serbian borders and UN membership for the self-proclaimed Kosovo,” Jeremic said during a discussion within the Corona Dialogues series launched by the center. Jeremic, who is also the People Party’s leader, asked Professor Sergey Karaganov, the dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs in Moscow, whether Moscow, as a Security Council member, will support Kosovo’s UN membership should Serbia agree to the division of Kosovo and sign a comprehensive agreement on normalization of relations. Karaganov replied that the U.S. and Europe have lost interest in the Balkans, despite all the claims to the contrary by the media, and that “the reliability of the Americans at the moment is not at zero, but below zero, and that thus the decision is up to Serbia,” the CIRSD statement said. “Either way, Russia will support Serbia. We don’t meddle and we firmly respect the issues of national sovereignty, and that is our main guiding principle in international relations,” Karaganov said.


SzS: Regime manipulating numbers of COVID-19 cases and threatening nation’s health (Beta)


According to the Alliance of Serbia’s (SzS) statement, the high number of COVID-19 cases in Serbia from the last three days shows that the campaigning activities and the elections scheduled for 21 June pose a serious threat to the health of the citizens. The SzS believes that the Crisis Headquarters’ decisions to allow mass gatherings the very day that the number of those infected reached 96 and the number of patients on ventilators is on the rise, were “extremely irresponsible and clearly politically-motivated.” “It doesn’t just threaten the nation’s health, but in the long run may lead to isolation of the country and material consequences, and even restriction of movement of the citizens. All of the steps the authorities have taken are connected to 21 June, when the fake elections, boycotted by the opposition, are to be held,” the announcement said.

“The regime, with Aleksandar Vucic leading the way, will have to answer for political exploitation of the state of emergency, illegal and detrimental use of the state budget, manipulation of the number of infected and endangering the health of the nation,” the SzS said.


Another 73 cases (B92/RTV)


Until 3pm there has been another 73 cases, in total 11,896 infected. There has been one more death, in total 250 deaths. There are 15 patients on respirators. Active cases 457. No information on number of recovered patients.




Respirators Mafia turns journalists into targets (Dnevni avaz)


The journalists from internet portal Semira Degirmendzic, Kenan Kesmer and Amil Ducic, who have exposed and continued to cover the 'Respirators' affair, are being accused of making up stories and information. (Two videos were posted on Facebook, which, according to the daily, are aimed at protecting decision-makers of the affair by accusing the journalists of making up the story) According to the daily, the goal is clear – to demonize, frighten, discredit and silence everyone whose reporting is to the political parties’ liking. Editor of the portal Kesmer told ‘Avaz’ they will remain independent, arguing “it is about a well-known SDA propaganda machinery” and “whose goal is to put a target on the forehead of everyone who does not play by their rules”. Kesmer went on to say that the portal will continue to write about scandals/affairs, especially about the ‘Respirators’ affair, adding that “it is obvious we are on the right track because we touched the hornet’s nest”. Director of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Police Administration (FUP) Ensad Koroman has confirmed the case has been reported to the FUP by the portal’s journalists. The Association ‘B&H novinari’ (B&H Journalists) called competent police agencies to urgently investigate who is behind staged videos featuring journalists who are writing about the ‘Respirators’ affair. The Association, with Marko Divkovic at the helm, issued a press statement saying that several fabricated videos, in which names of journalists who revealed the ‘Respirators’ affair are directly mentioned, appeared on social networks over past several days. The Association noted that videos also featured photos of the journalists in very negative context and presented thesis on the journalists’ alleged connections with certain politicians and political parties. The Steering Board of the Association and Media Help Line assessed that publishing of those videos represents a harsh attempt to intimidate and target journalists and media who revealed one of the biggest affairs in post-war B&H through their investigative journalism. “The use of social networks to spread groundless accusations and carry out a coordinated, public persecution against journalists of portals Fokus and Raport represent a direct pressure on colleagues from these two media with the intention to discredit them and divert attention away from the current cases related to public procurement during the pandemic. This, at the same time, is an attack on life, personal safety and integrity of our colleagues”, the Association ‘B&H novinari’ stated in its press statement.

The EU Delegation to B&H harshly condemned the attempts of intimidation of journalists who investigated one of the biggest corruption cases in B&H – the ‘Respirators’ case. The EU Delegation called on law enforcement agencies to fully investigate such cases and secure a safe working environment for all journalists. “Journalists must be able to do their job completely safely in B&H. Attacks on media represent violation of journalists’ rights, because their safety is a prerequisite for freedom of speech and media freedom. The EU harshly condemns any threats or attacks against journalists and media freedoms,” the EU stated. The US Embassy to B&H, upon a request of the daily, commented on intimidation of journalists related to the ‘Respirators’ affair and stated that threats to journalists are unacceptable. “Any kind of threat to journalists is unacceptable. We urge all relevant institutions to investigate threats and secure safe environment for work of media and journalists”, the US Embassy to B&H noted. The OSCE Mission to B&H reacted to the threats against journalists. OSCE condemned such threats and stated that any pressure against journalists reporting on topics of public interests are unacceptable and they jeopardize safety of all journalists. “The ability of media to report without fear in a professional, accurate and unbiased manner is crucial for the wellbeing of every democracy,” stated the OSCE Mission. The OHR stated that threats to journalists cannot be tolerated in any democratic society. “Media freedom is an essential element of every democracy. Political leaders are responsible for creating of the environment which enables independent and professional work of the media, i.e. the environment without political influence and threats. Threats against anyone, including the journalists, cannot be tolerated in any democratic society.”


Arnaut: Our Party will not form new majority in FB&H with HDZ B&H and SBB (Face TV)


‘Our Party’ representative in the House of Representatives of B&H and chairman of the parliamentary commission tasked with assessing the work of the judiciary Damir Arnaut, ruled out possibility of ‘Our Party’ forming the new Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government without SDA but with HDZ B&H and SBB B&H, adding that it is unacceptable from SDA to label anyone a traitor after it helped SNSD to get four instead of three posts reserved for Serb delegates in the House of Peoples of B&H for no particular reason. Commenting on the appointment of new members of the B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC), Arnaut said that the appointment was in line with the law but ‘Our Party’ was discontent with the appointment of individuals with close ties to certain political parties. He stressed that the ruling parties are doing everything they can to cancel the 2020 local elections. He stated that Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Sefik Dzaferovic and Croat member of the Presidency Zeljko Komsic were most likely aware that the budget has to be adopted by May 21st in order for the local elections not to be postponed and yet the Presidency gave Minister of Finance of B&H Vjekoslav Bevanda additional two months to improve the initial draft of the budget and submit it by May 31st. Arnaut noted that such decision can only be made deliberately and with full awareness of consequences or those who made it are total amateurs.


Dodik: DNS can appoint new minister but that person cannot be from Prijedor (ATV)


DNS’ Lejla Resic was removed from post of the Republika Srpska (RS) Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government on Thursday. Consequently, DNS requested meeting with leadership of SNSD to discuss abovementioned issue. This meeting should be held sometimes next week, most probably on Thursday. Leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik stated on Friday that no one will take positions that belong to DNS in line with the coalition agreement between DNS and SNSD. However, Dodik emphasized, no official of DNS from Prijedor will be allowed to be appointed to these posts. Dodik reminded that despite to warning that its partners cannot make coalition agreements with the opposition parties at local level, DNS in Prijedor did it and formed new majority in Prijedor City Council with SDS. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated on Thursday that there will be some new removals, underlining that coalition with DNS has not been undermined. RS President and Vice President of SNSD Zeljka Cvijanovic described status of coalition with DNS as “solid”. She stressed that problems Prijedor can be solved in line with formula agreed for Bijeljina, namely to divide four-year mandate between SNSD and DNS.


DNS not to participate in elections in coalition with SNSD (RTRS)


Representatives of DNS Board in Prijedor addressed press conference on Saturday and stated that this party will independently participate in upcoming local elections in the RS. They emphasized that SNSD is responsible for breakup of years-long coalition at the local level. It was underlined that there is too little time before local elections to overcome differences with SNSD. DNS Board in Prijedor rejected proposal of Vice President of SNSD Zeljka Cvijanovic according to which SNSD and DNS candidates would perform mandate of Mayor of Prijedor for two years each. President of DNS Board in Prijedor Dragutin Rodic said that a stable policy cannot be created in this way. Leader of DNS Nenad Nesic said that the decision of DNS Board in Prijedor was expected. Nesic went on to saying that harmonization of relations with SNSD will depend on meeting of delegations of two parties that should be held on Thursday. Representatives of SNSD Board in Prijedor underlined that DNS sees Prijedor as its private property, adding that something like that is unacceptable. President of the Main Board of SNSD in Prijedor Sasa Bursac stated that DNS in this city refuses to talk about possible joint activities. Bursac added that DNS also slowed down implementation of some infrastructural projects in this city. SDS announced that their candidate for Mayor of Prijedor should be member of the Presidency of SDS Maja Dragojevic-Stojic. “It has become disgusting to watch how biggest ruling party in the RS, SNSD, stomps over its coalition partners and plays them as fools” said PDP leader Branislav Borenovic. Commenting the removal of RS Minister of Administration and Local Self-Government Lejla Resic, Borenovic said this was an act which brings SNSD to the “political bottom” since the Minister was removed due to current disagreements in Prijedor and not based on her work in the RS government. Representatives of local board of SDS emphasized that they are open for talks with all parties but SNSD.

Reporter commented that although DNS in Prijedor claims it is not in coalition with SDS, representatives of SDS expect that candidates they nominate should be appointed as heads of two departments of the City of Prijedor Administration.


Kovacevic: Meeting with DNS to be held (RTRS)


Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said on Saturday that SNSD is prepared to talk with all coalition partners including DNS. He announced that meeting of leaderships of two parties could occur next week. Kovacevic emphasized that SNSD informed all of its coalition partners on time that it will not tolerate cooperation at local levels with parties that are opposition at the RS level. Spokesperson for SNSD believes this party and DNS will manage to harmonize their stances in regards to cooperation in Prijedor. “If this does not happen, we already presented name of future Mayor of Prijedor. When it comes to cooperation at the RS level, I believe DNS is serious party and we will talk about it with DNS and not with DNS Board in Prijedor,” said Kovacevic.


General Edwards: Stability and security of B&H are of vital importance for NATO (Dnevni avaz)


In an interview given to the daily, Commander of the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo, Brigadier General William J. Edwards stated that stability and security of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) are of vital importance for the NATO Alliance. He stressed: “First of all, we fully support B&H authorities in their reform goals. All NATO partnerships are individual and unique because they are based on the demands and this also refers to the relation of the NATO with B&H. It is up to the B&H authorities to set the goals and the areas of cooperation with the Alliance. The NATO fully resects sovereignty of B&H.” He added that as far as the B&H’s cooperation with the NATO is concerned, the Alliance has welcomed submitting of the document Program of Reforms of B&H in December last year. He explained: “It was talked about the document at the technical level and it is considered to be a good ground for continuation of the cooperation between the NATO and B&H. Since B&H will continue with implementation of reforms from the Program, the NATO will give support to the authorities in these efforts and we are looking forward to continuation of our constant talks about the cooperation between the NATO and B&H and the regional cooperation.” He also stressed that program ‘Partnership for Peace’ is still a very important instrument for B&H to strengthen its cooperation with the NATO and continue the path of reforms to the benefit of all B&H citizens. Edwards said that in its current form the NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo has been present for 15 years and the goal of presence, engagement and focus of the Headquarters will continue to be the support to the country in strengthening of its institutions, democratic values, the rule of law, reforms in the country and good neighboring relations, which is all of the vital importance for the stability and security of B&H and the whole region. He also noted that the allies responded to the B&H’s call for help during the pandemic and he added: “The assistance was delivered to numerous institutions in the whole country, NATO allies and partners continue to be there for each other and provide assistance to each other during the pandemic through different NATO arrangements, bilateral assistance or providing support to the countries in their efforts in the area of civil protection.”


Plenkovic discusses B&H’s EU, NATO paths with Covic (N1)


Croatian Prime Minister and HDZ leader Andrej Plenkovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic held a meeting in Mostar on Friday, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary since establishing of HDZ B&H and the 15th anniversary since Covic was elected the leader of this party for the first time. Plenkovic stated that he will do everything for the position of Croats in B&H to be strengthened in light of fulfillment of the conditions for the country’s accession to the EU. “I think we have clearly communicated the issue of equality of Croats in B&H to all the bodies within the EU Council, the European Commission and the European Council,” Plenkovic stressed. Covic said that, as a sign of gratitude for what the Croatian government is doing for B&H and Croats in this country, “we want to vote in B&H in the elections for the Croatian Parliament, supporting the list of HDZ”. Plenkovic stated that HDZ B&H has been continuously providing assistance to the EU and NATO path of B&H. He went on to saying that they have also been working on resolving of open issues between two countries and improving cooperation between Croatia and B&H. "What is key of misunderstandings today is the attitude of B&H towards the Central Election Commission (CEC) and vice versa, given that we have many problems there. But, you should now that these days, we are negotiating with partners behind closed doors in the organization of international institutions - the EU and the US administration - regarding the City of Mostar and the Election Law at the state level, as to how one could put those two packages and attempt to create an environment to organize elections in Mostar together with local elections. I believe that we are on the right track," Covic underlined. Plenkovic, on the other hand, stated that Croats have to be adequately represented and legitimate in all B&H institutions. Plenkovic underlined that the issue of equality is key for achieving positive results. "As far as we are concerned, we will do everything to make sure the position of Croats in B&H is not weakened, rather that it is strengthened. We are doing that constantly and I believe that we more than clearly communicated the topic of equality of Croats in B&H in all bodies; within the Council of the EU, in communication towards the European Commission. Those same theses, we reiterated clearly in the European Council, we are communicating them within the European People's Party (EPP)," Plenkovic underlined.


Increased number of illegal migrants reported in B&H (BHT1)


After borders were opened, B&H recorded an increased number of illegal migrants that enter this country from Serbia. The biggest ‘hot spot’ at this moment is the so-called Zvornik route. The policemen prevent around 20 illegal entries per day. Border Police officer in Zvornik, Adnan Hamzic confirms that they processed around 900 illegal migrants in the twenty days of May. “As well as around 45 processed persons in the month of June,” he added. Number of illegal entries has been reduced due to efficient police work on arresting the smugglers. There are two officers in every patrol which lasts for 12 hours. These officers are exposed to serious danger as they often find groups of up to 30 migrants that are trying to enter B&H. When it comes to the water border, four equipped officers for work on water secure 162 kilometers. That is not nearly enough, knowing that they only have two boats. Increased influx of migrants is expected in the coming months as there are thousands of them waiting in Serbia for a chance to reach B&H, and from there the EU.


Another 32 coronavirus cases in B&H, health authorities advise caution (N1)


Health authorities in B&H have reported 32 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours as they are urging citizens to increase caution and adhere to social distancing since the epidemiological situation seems to be getting worse. A total of 2,704 people have tested positive for the coronavirus so far and 160 died due to COVID-19, while 2,123 recovered, according to data the Ministry for Civil Affairs published on Monday. Although B&H’s curve seemed to be flattening for a while, new clusters emerged in the country - such as in the northern towns of Tesanj and Modrica. The FB&H registered 24 new coronavirus cases since Sunday, while another eight people tested positive in the RS. According to Adem Zalihic, the director of Sarajevo’s Institute of Emergency Health Care, said the epidemiological situation is “difficult” at the moment. “It’s obvious that the increased frequency of people and goods after the measures have been lifted has caused a small increase” he told N1. He stressed that citizens should adhere to social distancing and keep hygiene at an increased level. “We understand that people want to live and work again, but if, God forbid, another peak of the epidemic occurs because then we would need to have strong restrictions again. The pandemic is not over, we still have sporadic cases and clusters,” he explained.


Plenkovic opposed to wire fence on Croatia-Bosnia border (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Friday, that he is opposed to a wire fence on the border between Croatia and B&H after the migrant crisis has once again escalated. Over the past few weeks, the number of migrants coming to B&H has increased once again, and they are trying to reach European Union members passing through Croatia. B&H Security Minister Fahrudin Radoncic resigned earlier this week due to a difference in opinion in the ruling coalition with regard to resolving the migrant problem. Plenkovic said that the solution cannot lie in building physical obstacles on the border. "I am opposed to erecting wire fences between Croatia and B&H. We are two neighboring countries directed to each other and a message like that would not be good," underscored Plenkovic. He believes that it is key to resolve the migrant crisis on the Greece-Turkey border.


No new coronavirus cases reported in Croatia in last 24 hours (N1)


No new coronavirus cases have been recorded in Croatia in the last 24 hours, and only 10 infected persons have remained in hospitals for treatment, 2 are on the respirator and 5 are at the home treatment, the national civil protection authority said on Monday. Since the start of the epidemic in Croatia in late February, 2,247 cases have been confirmed, 2,128people have recovered and 104 have died from the novel COVID-19 coronavirus. A total of 68,866 people have been tested to date, including 126 in the last 24 hours.


Statement of Ana Brnabic too hypocritical, we can’t reopen border with Serbia until next Monday (CDM)


The statement of Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic “that she’s glad to hear that requirements for reopening the border with Serbia are met” is too hypocritical as it comes from a person who has been calling on the people of Serbia not to travel to Montenegro, an official of the Montenegrin government told CDM. The official emphasizes that Montenegro won’t be playing with lives of its citizens and explains that the Montenegrin border cannot be opened until next Monday having in mind the rules that apply. The official also says that the government of Montenegro followed recommendations and rules of medical personnel and not a daily policy as Ana Brnabic has been doing. “This is confirmed with the result that Montenegro has achieved in the fight against the coronavirus, as well as with our unique status of the coronavirus-free country. Our border, according to rules we apply, can’t be opened until next Monday. We hope that by then the epidemic in Serbia will be significantly suppressed, while Serbian authorities, in the meantime, can explain to us how they managed to cure 4.500 infected people in one day,” the govt’s official told CDM.


Darmanovic: If our country’s safety is jeopardized, NATO mechanisms will help (CDM)


Srdjan Darmanovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs, said today that he “believes Montenegro will find political solution for current problems with Serbia”. He pointed out that if they “established that Montenegro’s safety is jeopardized, they could use some of NATO mechanisms”. Asked if Montenegro has contacted NATO allies in the context of jeopardized security and Serbia’s meddling into country’s internal affairs, Darmanovic pointed out that he didn’t see any need for that. “If we notice that our country’s safety is evidently under threat, we could use some of numerous mechanism s within NATO,” Darmanovic said at the press conference.


US Ambassador to Montenegro: American government calls on all actors to start constructive dialogue (Pobjeda)


US Ambassador to Montenegro, Judy Rising Reinke, said in the interview for Pobjeda that the USA was fully committed to Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, in helping Montenegro become resilient, democratic and prosperous country where “everybody has equal success chances”. Asked, what does she think about the role of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro and their refusal to adhere to Government’s measures during the pandemic, Reinke said “As we have said recently, American government calls on all actors to start constructive dialogue, and all parties to show restraint and avoid escalating or violent actions. The US supports fundamental freedoms while respecting rights of all sovereign states to maintain public order and protect citizens’ health,” said American Ambassador.


Markovic: Montenegro has opened its borders to 131 countries (CDM)


While taking care of the epidemic situation, we are going to create conditions for the beginning of tourism season and better valorization of our tourist potential. The country is ready and it has done all it could: we defended ourselves from the virus, we protected our citizens and opened borders to all countries with similar coronavirus risk profile. Right now, Montenegro has its borders open to 131 countries, said Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko Markovic. Asked about the forthcoming tourism season, Markovic said that the whole situation was very concerning. “Countries are still keeping their borders closed. There’s no coordinated and harmonized approach within the EU. Therefore, the result Montenegro has as the first and the only country without coronavirus doesn’t give us hope that tourism will have any chances this year. But we are not going to give up”, Markovic said.


Nrekic invites Kosovo citizens to go on holiday in Ulcinj (Dan)


President of the Montenegrin Municipality of Ulcinj, Ljoro Nrekic, invited citizens of Kosovo to spend their summer vacation in Ulcinj, emphasizing that Montenegro is Europe’s first safe destination, that is, the coronavirus-free country. “I hereby invite all citizens of Kosovo who have homes in Ulcinj to come here as there will be no problems. We are currently safe from the coronavirus, because we are the first European country to declare the coronavirus-free status. Ulcinj possesses many sites that make tourism in the time of the pandemic easier and safer. We are waiting not only for those guests who have houses here, but all those who visited us over the past years.” Nrekic reminded that borders with Albania and Kosovo, as well as the region, were opened on 1 June, and that they expected to welcome many guests from Kosovo who traditionally go on holiday in the town of Ulcinj. “Tourists can come here without fear of facing problems, there will be no coronavirus testing or anything else. The Institute for Public Health has taken all necessary measures. The decision to open borders was made based on the calculation of the number of infections in the country from where we expect visitors. Kosovo meets these criteria and we welcome its citizens.” According to him, owners of the restaurants in Ulcinj were recommended to reduce prices this year. “I think prices will be somewhat lower, but the final decision is up to owners.”


Decision on elections will depend on government’s position on state of emergency (MIA)


The government’s position on state of emergency will be announced by Friday and along with the opinion of the Commission for Infectious Diseases in regard to coronavirus pandemic will be decisive for setting a date for the elections, Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani said Monday. “DUI’s position is based on two basic principles- the first principle is that the health of the citizens is above all other social process and secondly the consensus is important for holding elections. We follow epidemiological trends on a daily basis. My position is that we should wait until Friday when the state of emergency ends to make an overview in the trends, to see the opinion of the Commission for Infectious Diseases and on that basis to make a decision on the state of emergency. The state of emergency will directly affect the elections. Therefore, we will wait until Friday to see the Government’s position on the state of emergency,” Osmani told reporters when asked whether 5 July remains as election date. The 14-day state of emergency declared by President Stevo Pendarovski expires on 14 June.


Minister Chulev: Elections necessary, but public health comes first (MIA)


Interior Minister Nakje Chulev says the country needs fair and democratic elections when the citizens without fearing for their health would be able to go out and vote for their preferred candidates. Chulev says the Interior Ministry (MoI) will take all necessary measures for fair and democratic elections to be organized, calling on decision-makers to take into account public health so as not to put the credibility of the elections at risk. On the 80-hour lockdown imposed in four cities in the country, including Skopje, Tetovo, Kumanovo and Shtip, he says the government has been making decisions with regard to restrictions on movement as part of its efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus. “However, I think decisions are made without sufficient arguments, they are based more on politics rather than on real facts. It became more evident once the issue on early parliamentary elections was revived,” the Minister states. Chulev points fingers at the Commission for Infectious Diseases, accusing it of being under political influence. Asked about the MoI being under fire after the recent resurgence in Covid-19 cases as a result of the Ministry’s passiveness, Chulev says the government, wanting to cover up its failure in tackling the crisis, is putting the blame on him because he is the only representative of the opposition in the government.


Osmani: North Macedonia to receive EU draft negotiating framework by midweek (MIA)


North Macedonia is expected to receive 9 or 10 June, its draft negotiating framework with the EU, which is next to be discussed by member states. They are expected to present their initial positions by the end of June, during the Croatian presidency of the Council of the EU, and the process will resume during Germany's EU Presidency, Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani told a news conference Monday. He called on political stakeholders to reach a consensus that will prioritize European integration, as a key strategic interest of country and people. The Deputy PM added that the draft negotiating framework, accompanied by a brief progress report, will be submitted to the Committee of Permanent Representatives in the European Union (COREPER), as well as the EU Council’s Working Party on Enlargement and Countries Negotiating Accession to the Union (COELA). Following the presentation of the draft negotiating framework, Osmani underlined, EU member states will try to reach a consensus, based on their national positions. This process, he added, has taken two to three months in the past, which in this case means that it will unfold during the German presidency of the Council of the EU. Having in mind Germany’s position on enlargement, this is good news for North Macedonia. “It’s a standard procedure that all member states and candidate countries have gone through, but for us it’s step forward, toward starting accession talks and the first intergovernmental conference expected in the fall” Osmani said. The outcome of accession talks will affect both the EU and North Macedonia, hence both sides need to prepare for opening negotiations. “As chief EU negotiator, I believe that we as a society need to discuss certain issues so as to be prepared for the first intergovernmental conference and the start of accession talks. We need to prepare from a political, not administrative or technical aspect. I call today on political stakeholders to reach a consensus that will prioritize European integration, as a key strategic interest of country and people,” Osmani said. He added that by finding common ground and establishing a society that values all political stakeholders, individual parties’ interests will be eliminated from North Macedonia’s EU integration process. “European integration is the country’s highest strategic priority and requires joint participation of both ruling and opposition parties’ representatives. Restoring the full capacity of parliamentary bodies, the National Council for European Integration and the Parliamentary Committee on European Affairs is key,” the Deputy PM said. He stressed the importance of finding common ground and securing political support for the negotiating framework, thus freeing it from possible political interference and earning trust. “The academic and business community, the civil sector and the media will occupy a special place within the social consensus. Promises are being converted into real policies. The integration process has not halted and we expect negotiations to start soon,” Osmani told reporters.


Slovenia introduces 14-day quarantine for arrivals from North Macedonia (MIA)


The Slovenian government has adopted a decision to introduce a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all arrivals from North Macedonia, MIA's Ljubljana correspondent reports. The decision applies to everyone, whether they are citizens of Slovenia, North Macedonia or a member state of the European Union. “The epidemiological situation in North Macedonia is extremely difficult. All those arriving to Slovenia from this country, even Slovenian nationals, must go into a 14-day quarantine,” Slovenia’s Ministry of Interior said. Quarantine for Slovenians returning home from other countries was lifted three weeks ago.


Macedonia ranks 103rd in coronavirus response (Republika)


In an analysis by the non-profit organization Deep Knowledge Group made for the Forbes magazine on the response of selected 200 countries in the world to the Covid-19 pandemic, Macedonia is on the devastating 103rd place, in company with the Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritius and St. Lucia. Neighboring countries are not even close to where Macedonia ranks in terms of the coronavirus response. Greece, along with Slovenia and Croatia, is among the top 40 countries, with Albania, Serbia and Bulgaria at the top half of the list, and even Bosnia and Herzegovina. Macedonia is experiencing a fiasco on several tables for dealing with the coronavirus, which is pushing the us into greater abyss and isolation. We remain the only country in the region that has not opened its borders, and a growing number of countries such as Bulgaria and Slovenia have introduced a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all arrivals from Macedonia. In Montenegro, though, we are not welcome at all. According to the latest statistics on the number of new cases and deaths per million inhabitants, Macedonia is a leader in the region with a new cases rate of 50.5 percent at the beginning of this month, unlike the numbers in the region where the new cases rate for all countries is 3.6 percent. In one week from 01.06.2020, Macedonia registered a total of 802 new cases and 20 deaths, which is not only a number making the country leader in the region, but also a devastating number for dealing with the coronavirus in the country. What is worrying is also the total number of deaths since the onset of the pandemic, which is 153 deaths, as well as the huge number of active cases, which has reached 2,226. Although Health Minister Venko Filipce said they were well-known clusters, that only fifteen families made up 90 percent of the new cases, the number is expected to rise in the coming period as over 80,000 citizens left Skopje this weekend, which might contribute to the spread the virus in other parts of the country.


In North Macedonia 127 new Covid-19 cases, 3 patients die (Republika)


127 new coronavirus patients have been registered in Macedonia in the past 24 hours, seven patients have recovered while three have passed away, the Ministry of Health said on Monday. Most of new cases are registered in Skopje (67), followed by Kumanovo-1, Debar-1, Stip-33, Tetovo-10, Struga-5, Ohrid-6, Kocani-2 and Probistip-2. Three patients have passed away in the past 24 hours. A 70-year-old patient from Kumanovo, a 62-year-old patient from Skopje and a 78-year-old patient also from Skopje have died at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases. The Institute of Public Health said that seven patients have recovered, of which four in Skopje, two in Tetovo, and one in Gostivar. 702 tests were performed in the past 24 hours.  Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Macedonia has registered 3,152 cases. 1,653 people recovered and the number of active cases is 1,343. Death toll has reached 156.


Electoral Reform, parties reach agreement (Tirana Times)


The government and the opposition reached an agreement on the electoral reform on Friday evening, after hours of discussions regarding the depoliticization of the election administration, one of the basic OSCE / ODIHR recommendations. Based on the agreement, the same structure will remain as regards representatives of political parties. The issue of depoliticization was not well-received by the opposition representatives, as they were reluctant towards the fact that public administration officials would be involved in election commissions, therefore leading to the ruling party backing down. "The Democratic Party was not ready. We did not want the DP to oppose this election law at all costs and why not serve as a reason for not recognizing the elections tomorrow or even not running in the election. We also sacrificed important ODIHR recommendations, only for the DP to enter the political race. This is the most important thing that has been achieved, " declared the SP representative Damian Gjiknuri. On the other hand, Oerd Bylykbashi of the Democratic Party and Petrit Vasili of the LSI, said that the depoliticization was an attempt for the ruling party to take over the election commissions. "He couldn't take over them and withdrew." However, they added that parties had agreed to fully implement biometric identification, as well as to reform the Central Election Commission. According to the agreement, "the assessment will be made by the CEC, with the support of an international expertise, while the government guarantees timely funding for implementation, as far as it is technically possible." US Ambassador Yuri Kim, who together with the EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca strongly encouraged a compromise between the parties, said after the meeting of the Political Council that "each party and each person gave their contribution but has also gave up on something. And they did this so that Albania would benefit. This is a moment of pride" she said, adding that "some will criticize this agreement as insufficient, but if we look at it in a broader context, this is a big step forward, and I hope it will be something from which anyone can benefit." EU Ambassador Soreca also said that the EU welcomed the agreement, which "came as a result of an all-inclusive process that began in January." He further stressed that "from this evening, Albania is closer to the European Union, because one of the conditions for the opening of negotiations, will be met soon. This also comes at a very good time, as next week comes. The European Commission will also propose the framework of negotiations that will be the basis for EU integration. So, let's move forward." The agreement was also welcomed by the OSCE Presence in Tirana. "It is commendable that all political parties became part of this process and that their constructive proposals as well as their ability to compromise and accept different views contributed to an important step forward for democracy in Albania, for the benefit of the Albanian citizens," an official statement reads. Although President Ilir Meta welcomed the consensus reached between the parties, the agreement cannot be considered complete, according to Meta. "Positive news, but not enough to guarantee free and fair elections," he said, later adding that "the culture of consensus must continue for other conditions to accelerate the opening of negotiations." Basha took to Twitter to express his reaction, calling the agreement "a step forward, to provide more guarantees for free and fair elections in Albania. The Democratic Party and the United Opposition are ready and are working every day to return the government to the Albanians." As for Monika Kryemadhi, LSI leader, "today's result in the Political Council, achieved with the contribution of international partners is positive and must be implemented without wasting time, with integrity, as required by the next EU condition." In a joint statement, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell and Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi congratulated the political parties on reaching an agreement. "The new Electoral Code provisions, once adopted by the Parliament, will give Albania an electoral process with higher integrity and transparency standards, based on OSCE/ODIHR recommendations, including the gradual depoliticization of the electoral administration," the statement reads adding that They address a key condition to start EU accession negotiations, as stated in the Council conclusions of March 2020, thereby moving Albania one step closer to its EU future.  This bodes well for future progress on reforms needed on Albania's EU path. Finally, Solrun Gisladotti, Director of ODHIR, welcomed the agreement, but added that it "now needs to be codified, adopted and implemented. ODIHR stands ready to continue supporting the reform process."​


New electoral code paves way for upcoming elections in Albania (ADN)


Albanian daily news learned some of the amendments made to the electoral reform, on which political parties agreed recently paving the way for new elections. The Central Election Commission (CEC) will be completely reformed and will be comprised of 3 governing bodies: The State Election Commissioner; Regulatory Commission and Complaints and Sanctions Commission. The State Election Commissioner (Commissioner) is a monocratic body that exercises executive powers, directs the CEC administration and represents the CEC in relations with third parties. The Commissioner is elected by the Parliament of the Republic of Albania for a 7-year, renewable term, according to the procedure defined in this law. The Regulatory Commission is the competent body for the adoption of normative acts in the field of elections and the establishment of rules for elections. The Regulatory Commission operates part-time and carries out its activities in public meetings, which are convened by the Commissioner. The regulatory consists of 5 members, one of whom is the chairman. The Chairman and the members of the Regulatory Commission are elected by the Parliament of the Republic of Albania for a 5-year term, according to the procedure defined in this law. The Complaints and Sanctions Commission (KAS) is the competent body for reviewing administrative complaints and imposing sanctions for violations of electoral law. KAS consists of 5 members, who are elected by the Parliament of the Republic of Albania for a 9-year term, according to the procedure defined in this law. Albanian citizens that have been former judges, former CEC members, or former senior executives have the right to run or be nominated as members of KAS. The composition of the Complaints Council will be independent, with 5 members, of which 3 will be nominated by the majority and 2 by the opposition.

-CEC competencies related to election technology

The CEC has the right to explore, experiment and decide on the use of information technology systems and / or equipment, to cover specific aspects and / or procedures of the electoral process, and has the right to prosecute systems or information technology equipment or even their operating service. The CEC is obliged to implement the use of information technology systems and / or equipment in elections through pilot projects, in not less than 10 percent of the number of voters for each stage of implementation. The CEC has the right to install and use video-monitoring systems in polling stations, as well as when manual vote counting is performed, it may monitor and test the regularity of the process in their internal premises. The video surveillance system cannot be installed in polling stations in such a way as to jeopardize or jeopardize the secrecy of the ballot. The use of information technology systems or devices is done in accordance with the special rules regarding the procedures for specific aspects of the process covered by information Procedural rules for this purpose are approved by a normative act of the CEC. The information technology systems or equipment that the CEC decides to use in the elections should aim, in the first place, at the biometric identification of voters, voting by and through electronic devices, as well as counting by casting equipment, as well as be applicable to at least five consecutive electoral processes. The identification, selection and use of information technology systems or devices are subject to the principles of legality, transparency, inclusiveness, security, efficiency and sustainability.


Meta with Thaci; They expressed willingness to boost cooperation (Radio Tirana)


The President Ilir Meta held a meeting with the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi. Meta announces that during the meeting they expressed their willingness to continue the cooperation between our two countries, in order to successfully overcome the socio-economic consequences of Covid-19 pandemic, resume citizens’ life to normality, and complete stabilization of free movement of people and goods, especially with the approach of the summer tourist season. “It is important to continue the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue for the final normalization of relations between the two countries, which will guarantee not only mutual recognition but also their future in the EU,” the President wrote, adding that “coexistence between Albanians and Serbs is in interest of peace, stability and the European perspective of our region”.

European Commission is expected to propose today the negotiating framework for Albania (Radio Tirana)


The European Commission is expected to propose today the negotiating framework for Albania and North Macedonia. The achievement of the consensus between the majority and the opposition on Electoral Reform, one of the conditions of the European Council set in October 2019 for Albania, is expected to facilitate access of member states to set a date for the joint conference between the EU and Albania. But reaching a consensus and signing the agreement is only the first step in fulfilling this condition. The agreement will have to be materialized in law, which must be voted by consensus in parliament. Even the return of the agreement to the law is only the fulfillment of the legal framework, because the European Council will look at the implementation of reforms, which means the implementation of the new Electoral Code in the upcoming elections, to see the standard of elections in Albania before giving of consent for the date of the joint conference between the European Union and Albania. The declaration of the meeting of the European Council in October 2019 clearly defined the terms and conditions of the official opening of negotiations. In light of the progress made in the reforms and the conditions set unanimously by the Council in June 2018, the Council agrees to open accession negotiations no later than the first half of 2020, to invite the Commission to submit without delay a proposal for a framework for negotiations, in line with the conclusions of the European Council in December 2006 “, the statement said. “Before the first intergovernmental conference, which should take place no later than the first half of 2020, depending on the progress made, Albania must ensure the functioning of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court and make further progress in Electoral reform in line with OSCE / ODIHR recommendations. Before opening the first chapters, Albania must address the following issues: initiating investigations against judges and prosecutors suspected of criminal conduct, as a result of findings from the vetting process, initiating investigations into electoral fraud charges, security of the functioning of the SPAK, further strengthen the record of investigations, prosecutions and final convictions in the fight against corruption and organized crime included at the highest level, to adopt and implement the election law in accordance with OSCE / ODIHR recommendations, and  implement any relevant decision of the Constitutional Court on the local elections of June 30, 2019,” says the statement of the European Council.

In Albania 17 new Covid-19 cases (Tirana Times)


Seventeen new coronavirus cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of infected patients to 1263 in Albania. A total of 8 new cases were identified in Tirana, 6 in Shkodra and three in Kamza. So far, tests have been conducted on more than 18,500 people. A total of 34 patients are being treated at the Infectious Diseases Hospital, six of whom are in intensive care. Moreover, 945 patients who tested positive for the coronavirus in Albania have now recovered. The death toll remains at 34 victims. Currently there are 284 active cases in Albania.



Serbian President Says Kosovo's Tariff Move 'Opens Possibility' For Resuming Talks (RFE/RL, 7 June 2020)


BELGRADE -- Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has expressed cautious optimism that talks with Kosovo brokered by the European Union could resume, one day after Kosovo’s new government lifted all trade barriers that had been imposed on Serbia. In an interview on June 7 with RFE/RL’s Balkan Service, Vucic said Kosovo’s move “opens the possibility for us to start talking.” “It will create a kind of framework so that our business communities can cooperate incomparably better,” he said. “Of course, this will open the possibility for political dialogue between us.” “We expect Serbia to end the de-recognition campaign against Kosovo,” Kosovar Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti said on June 6, adding that Kosovo expected the EU and the United States to pressure Belgrade on the issue. Vucic confirmed that EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak was expected to visit Belgrade and Pristina soon after Serbia’s June 21 parliamentary elections. Vucic, however, said he did not expect the talks to result in Serbian recognition of Kosovo. “We talk to everyone,” he said. “My question is…What is the content of the dialogue. What are we talking about?.… Because if it is just, ‘Come on, Serbs, recognize the independence of Kosovo and let’s finish that story,’ it certainly will not go that way.” Vucic said he gave up on big initiatives for the issue of Kosovo and is now expecting proposals. “This opens a possibility of starting the talks if that measure stays in place and survives more than a few days, and I believe this is not a matter of outwitting and outsmarting between two sides but is a matter of essence, a matter of free movement of goods, people and capital,” Vucic told RFE. He also expressed the belief that this could positively affect the economies of both Belgrade and Pristine as well as the Serbs and Albanians, and that it will create “some sort of a framework for our business communities to cooperate incomparably better.” “Of course, that will open a possibility of political dialogue between us,” he added. “I am waiting to see the proposal. And if you ask me – that’s why I said it, what exactly do I expect. I expect nothing specific,” said Vucic, concluding that there is no deadline for solving the issue of Kosovo and that Serbia will “do the talks in good faith.”


I don’t do things that could undermine independence of Montenegro

Vucic claims he doesn’t do anything that could undermine Montenegro’s independence. In an interview for RFE, he says he’s not interfering in the internal affairs of Montenegro, but just fighting for the position of the Serbian people in Montenegro, as their status, according to him, is not determined – neither as a minority nation, nor the people, nor a constituent nation.

When it comes to regional relations, you said you were going to invite Montenegro’s President, Milo Djukanovic, to Serbia, to be your guest. Why don’t you have meetings more often?

President Vucic: We had a meeting in Jerusalem where we talked openly. And you won’t believe how they positioned us in the room. It was a huge table, there were many guests, let’s say about 200. And now, (Former Croatian President Grabar-Kitarovic) Kolinda was two, three places away from me. Directly across my seat, but in a completely different circle, was Djukanovic, so we could talk all the time. He expressed his views, I expressed my own. We did not agree on the issue of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro and the attitude towards the Serbian Church in Montenegro, but we talked in a civilized way. That was our last conversation. I think we should talk about the relations between the two countries, which in all respects should be absolutely the closest, and I believe that there is a lot of room for improving our relations.

Do you think that the conversation will be accepted considering Serbia’s announcements that it will legally assist the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro?

President Vucic: Okay, so what?

Do you think that the conversation between the two presidents is possible if Montenegro perceives it as an interference in its internal affairs?

President Vucic: Well, listen, if that would mean an interference in internal affairs in a modern society, then I’d better get out of here because it happens to me 500 times a day from different sides.

The Serbian minority, on the other hand, is the opposition in Montenegro.

President Vucic: First, it is not a question, they do not have a regulated status. Neither as a minority nation, nor as people, nor as a constituent nation. And you will never say ‘Albanian minority in North Macedonia’. Albanians in North Macedonia have incomparably greater rights than Serbs in Montenegro, who are proportionally more numerous in Montenegro. Albanians also have a parliament speaker and the right to an official language. Serbs have nothing alike.

What is your advice in talks with representatives of Serbs in Montenegro in this situation now that you are talking to them?

President Vucic: I do not provide political advice to them, I’m looking to help the preservation of Serbian institutions, i.e. Matica Srpska. For us, it’s not a problem when someone wants, e.g. Bosnia and Herzegovina want to set up a consulate in Novi Pazar and everybody wanted to prevented it, but I told ‘No problem’. The same was for Turkey – no problem at all. You’ll invest some money, you’ll bring something, you’ll make something and I don’t have problems with that. If someone wishes to establish rights of Montenegrins in Serbia – go ahead.