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Belgrade Media Report 18 August 2020


Brnabic: Primarily economic issues on agenda in Washington (Tanjug/RTV/RTS/B92

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Monday that primarily economic issues would be on the agenda in Washington at the meeting scheduled for 2 September. She added that the meeting to which Belgrade and Pristina have been invited is a continuation of talks on economic topics that got interrupted. She recalled that previously there was talk of re-establishing the Belgrade-Pristina air route, but also of railway traffic. “These are mostly economic topics that we have always called for and that President Aleksandar Vucic has always insisted on, not only in the talks with Pristina, but also within the little Schengen initiative. That is in the interest not only of Serbia and its citizens, but of the entire region,” Brnabic remarked. She said that she expects from the international community to be clear. “I hope that all international actors, starting with UNESCO through the EU, will be clear not only in condemning, but also in preventing the undermining and endangering of our cultural-historical-religious heritage, and preserving it instead,” she said. Brnabic pointed out that the heritage isn’t important just for us, but for the whole world. “I expect that there will be no talks about that and that they will work on it in a civilizationally correct way,” she said. She said that this is extremely difficult topic for us, because, after destroying, burning down and demolishing monasteries on Kosovo and Metohija in 2004, which aren’t just our cultural heritage, but the heritage under UNESCO’s protection, it unfortunately continues 16 years later.

New government will be the best possible 

She reiterated that the question of mandate is not for her, but for the President who decides about it, but expressed her beliefs that the future government will be the best possible and stronger and more efficient than the current one. Brnabic pointed out that Serbia is facing extremely challenging days in terms of economy, since there is visible decline of economy in Europe and the world, but also in terms of politics, because Vucic will face difficult talks regarding Kosovo and Metohija, as well as European integration and amendments to the Constitution, waiting for a new parliament. “It’s very important that this decision is not made hastily, which the president doesn’t want to do anyway. When you have the support of citizens the way President Vucic does, which was expressed in the elections, then it's not about being able to form a government in five minutes because you have so many MPs. It’s an additional responsibility for the further path of the country, for the efficiency of the government, how the government will work, in a coalition or not,” Brnabic told reporters in Senta during her visit to the Biospringer factory. She added that everything that is within the constitutional deadlines is fine, since the current government is working hard every day and Serbia is not losing anything.



Deadline for submission of candidate lists of political parties for local elections in B&H expires (Nova BH)

The deadline for submission of candidate lists of political parties for the local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) expired on Monday at 16:00 hours. Most of the political parties, especially those that marked success in the 2016 local elections, expressed expectation for a successful election result this year. According to Nova BH, the current political situation indicates that the elections in some local communities could be very interesting. For instance, the election race is expected to be particularly interesting in Srebrenica, Sarajevo, and Tuzla, as well as in Mostar that should host the elections separately, in December. SDA was a relative winner of the last local elections. This year, SDA will even jointly participate with PDA in Zvornik and People and Justice (NiP) in Bijeljina, although both PDA and NiP were formed by former SDA members. SDA Secretary General Halid Genjac confirmed that SDA expects to mark the election victory in Srebrenica this year, along with some other local communities such as Breza, Vares, and Gorazde. SBB B&H Secretary-General Sanela Prasovic-Gadzo, who is SBB B&H’s candidate for the post of the Head of Novi Grad (Sarajevo) Municipality, stated that this party has nominated over 1,200 candidates in its lists. Prasovic-Gadzo specified that SBB B&H will participate in the local elections mainly on its own and its only participation in the coalition refers to the territory of the RS. “Let us wait to see whether or not we will support someone (candidate for head of municipalities). We shall see what will happen by November,” Prasovic-Gadzo said. HDZ 1990 leader Ilija Cvitanovic noted that, in some municipalities, HDZ 1990 will participate in the elections within the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), while it counts on defeating HDZ B&H’s candidates in some areas, like Neum. Spokesperson for SDP B&H Vedad Hajdarevic stressed that SDP B&H will run for 27 posts of Heads of Municipalities and Mayors of Cities. Hajdarevic stressed that, unlike in the last local elections, SDP B&H expects to win in Jablanica, Donji Vakuf, as well as to return to the Banja Luka City Assembly. “Our biggest strategic interest is to keep (the post of Mayor of) Tuzla,” Hajdarevic underscored. NSRzB leader Jerko Ivankovic-Lijanovic said that NSRzB will participate in the elections “only symbolically in a couple of municipalities in the Federation of B&H and the Republika Srpska (RS), since it has practically become meaningless to partake in the elections”. Movement ‘Pravda’ (‘Justice’) leader Ozren Perduv, who leads the political movement that originated from the informal group ‘Justice for David (Dragicevic)’, submitted this movement’s list of candidates in attempt to win posts in the Banja Luka City Assembly. Perduv announced that this movement will present its candidate for the post of Mayor of Banja Luka on Wednesday.

SDA, SBB B&H, DF, SBiH and BPS to form pro-Bosnian bloc in Mostar (O kanal)

SDA, SBB B&H, DF, SBiH and BPS will form a pro-Bosnian bloc in Mostar and they held their first meeting on Monday. They talked about upcoming activities which will lead to signing of an agreement and formation of a coalition that will jointly take part in the upcoming local elections. They also plan to schedule a meeting to which all other parties that exist in Mostar will be invited. Representatives of local boards of SDA, SBB B&H, DF, SBiH and BPS called on other pro-Bosnian political parties to join them. Representatives of abovementioned parties stated that experts from all five parties will create platform on joint participation in elections in Mostar. President of the City Board of SDA in Mostar Salem Maric expressed hope that other pro-Bosnian parties will join them. On the other hand, SDP’s Arman Zalihic stated that they will not join abovementioned coalition, but will from bloc of “healthy” parties that have been opposition to SDA and HDZ B&H and that is prepared to fight for better Mostar.

Coalition talks ahead of local elections in Mostar enter final stage; Serbs are looking for chance to pass between two blocs (Glas Srpske)

The daily reported that the Bosniak parties – led by SDA and SBB B&H - are one step away from a joint participation at the local elections in Mostar and if SDP B&H and NS join them – as the parties that previously signed the agreement – three blocs gathered around the three constituent peoples will take part in the elections in Mostar. DF called for gathering of “pro-Bosnian” parties within the coalition saying that leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik are trying to reach majority in the Mostar City Council with all means and that the local elections in Mostar are not the place or the time for ideological divisions to the Left or to the Right, but the place and the time for a joint participation of all pro-Bosnian parties and an attempt to stop the alliance of Covic and Dodik.  According to a previous agreement, all parties gathered around the HNS and led by HDZ B&H will jointly participate in the elections in Mostar while Serbs, i.e. associations that gather Serbs will gather around SDS and SNSD that agreed and confirmed cooperation at a recent meeting hosted by RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD).  Leadership of the SNSD Mostar City Board and SDS Mostar City Board held a meeting in Mostar on Monday evening. President of SNSD City Board in Mostar Mladen Krnjeusic said that they are looking for their chance in registration of voters from abroad and motivating them to vote. In his opinion, they are doing a good job for now and they believe that they have a chance to enter the Mostar City Council. Krnjeusic said: “Even today, SDA has its own Serb in Mostar as well as all other parties and things will always remain in this way. The important thing is to make a single list and that the highest possible number of Serbs supports it”. When it comes to the Bosniak bloc, members of SDA, SBB B&H, DF, SB&H and BPS met on Monday and begun talks on activities that will be undertaken in order to reach an agreement that will result with formation of a coalition for the joint participation of the parties at the elections in 2020.  President of the SBB B&H Cantonal Board Anel Kljako announced a meeting in upcoming period and added that all other parties in Mostar will be called for the meeting. Kljako said: “We will agree in the upcoming days to delegate experts at the level of city boards who should draft a joint platform for participation in the elections in Mostar”. Kljako said that they will call on the First Mostar Party, the Platform for Progress, SDP B&H and NS for the meeting, adding that in one phase of talks, representatives of the Coordination of Serb Associations in Mostar will also be called to attend the meeting to give their opinion about the coalition while the next meeting of Bosniak parties is supposed to be held on Tuesday. President of the Coordination of Serb Associations in Mostar Dusan Golo said that he does not know what they are calling them for the meeting. However, Golo said that it is not a problem to sit and talk adding that he has no doubts that “they will find Serbs for the list, pass the census and get a Serb in the Mostar City Council”, but regardless of this, the Serbs carry on with their plans and they believe that they will cross the census adding that the fact that Bosniaks and Croats have their blocs, will have no influence on them. The daily reminded that the local elections in Mostar will be held on 20 December after 12 years. When it comes to the Mostar City Council, there will be 35 councilors; maximum of 15 and at least four from one constituent people and one from the rank of the ‘Others’. The daily underlined that the four seats of councilors are reserved for Serbs and until now, mostly people from lists of SDA, SDP B&H and HDZ B&H represented them and during 25 years, they never invoked the issue of the Vital National Interest although they have the right to do it.

Covic: Croats will achieve equality whether somebody likes it or not (Vecernji list)

HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of formation of HDZ B&H, asked to sum up the last 30 years, replied by saying that these have been years full of challenges “during which we have tried to make this society and country better”. According to Covic, HDZ B&H has become a part of political identity of Croats in B&H and he is proud to be at the helm of the party that gathers Croats from all parts of B&H. Asked if and when Croats in B&H will achieve equality and survival, Covic replied by saying: “They will and must, whether somebody likes it or not. B&H cannot survive and exist without the Croat people as a constituent element. Changes to the Law on Elections of B&H is a crucial issue for the future of the country”. He went on to say it is obvious that somebody has planned to eliminate Croats in B&H in order to turn the Federation of B&H into a Bosniak entity. Asked to comment on the role of the international community in B&H and whether the issue of B&H can be resolved without the EU and the US acting as envoys, Covic replied by saying we must be aware that the IC was the key envoy in ending the conflicts and reaching peace in the area, adding that the IC’s role can often be crucial when it comes to big issues. In this context Covic said that that EU Special Representative Johann Sattler and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson played the key role in signing of two agreements in Mostar, thanking them for recognizing importance of the agreements. He went on to say that certain policies, exclusively from the Bosniak corps, are still resisting the reality and the truth, namely that the time has come to resolve crucial issues. According to Covic, there is agreement to resolve problems step by step by end of the year, adding that a final solution will have to be reached and that the status quo would lead us into an even deeper abyss. “There is no winner or loser. It is about survival of a multi-ethnic state that must acknowledge its differences. Everything else is delusion served to fool the public,” added Covic. Asked if the international community could sacrifice the Croats as a constituent people, Covic said the international community would not accept something like that because it would undermine the whole organization and structure of B&H, stressing it would be an explicit undermining of the constitutional order.

Ambassador Nelson: Dayton Agreement and B&H Constitution need to be reformed (FTV)

US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson said that the Dayton Peace Agreement needs a reform so that the citizens would be able to finally move forward. He believes that most of the citizens are not satisfied with B&H’s progress, because if things were different, there would not be so many departures from the country. Nelson also said that the Dayton Agreement ended the war in B&H in the 1990s and, in that sense, it was efficient. There is a full range of constitutional issues that need to be addressed so that B&H would fulfill the transatlantic standards, he added. “The Dayton brought B&H its Constitution as well; that can be perceived as an initial Constitution; each constitution needs to be a live document which is supplemented and which must define the process of amendment adoption. So, sooner or later, every country must realize that it needs some reforms, and it is obvious that the Constitution of B&H needs some reforms. Both the Dayton (Agreement) and the B&H Constitution need to be reformed. Why? Because the citizens of B&H want to be part of the transatlantic community,” reads Nelson’s statement.


Viskovic: We are in waiting line for Russian vaccine (ATV)

Speaking about purchase of the Russian vaccine against the Coronavirus, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that some contacts were made in this direction. Viskovic said: “We applied as interested parties on time. We monitor what is going on in this area. There are some stories that say Russia is ready to let some other countries to produce the vaccine under their license, etc., etc. We will monitor all this. To say it in a simple way: we are in the waiting line”. ATV noted that the RS Representation Office in Moscow already had some talks in this direction and they believe that the RS may have the Russian vaccines by the end of the year. Head of the RS Representation Office in Moscow Dusko Perovic said over phone that he and Viskovic sent formal requests, i.e. registered as potential buyers. Perovic said that talks with some suppliers will be carried out in September.

Ivantsov on Russian vaccine: I hope B&H citizens will soon have chance to protect themselves, no matter whose vaccine is (Glas Srpske)

Russian Ambassador to B&H Petr Ivantsov reminded that Russia registered on 11 August the first vaccine against the Coronavirus called ‘Sputnik V’ developed by the research center for epidemiology and microbiology ‘Gamalei’. He said that this news spread through the entire globe and has become one of the most awaited events in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic, adding that the pandemic has caused huge crisis all over the world. Ivantsov said that it is no surprise that many countries welcomed the news and many announced their intention to cooperation with Russia in further testing of the vaccine, while 20 states submitted preliminary requests for purchase of billions of doses, while a preliminary agreement was reached regarding production of 500 million of doses a year in five countries. Ivantsov said that not everyone was happy about launching of the ‘Sputnik V’ and instead of accepting the hand that Russia offered and unite in efforts to fight against the pandemic, they strongly criticized accusing Russian leadership and scientists of “criminal rush” and disloyal competition. Ivantsov added that he will have to disappoint those who support different conspiracy theories on “malignant Russian influence” and added that Russia has no intention to use the vaccine in any selfish purposes; to influence on someone, to blackmail or to force someone to vaccination. Ivantsov said: “We are acting exclusively from the point of view of safety of citizens of the Russian Federation, but we are also open for cooperation with all countries based on the principle of equality”. Ivantsov also wrote about the vaccine itself based on information from Russian producers of vaccines in details. He expressed gratitude to numerous positive comments and assessments of the B&H public, primarily from the RS and expressed hope that citizens of B&H will soon have a chance to protect themselves and their beloved ones from the plague of the 21st century with help of the vaccine no matter whose: Russian, English or Chinese as long as it is efficient and available. At the end, he called on everyone to be responsible and respect all precaution measures.


SDSM, DUI say progress made in government formation talks (MIA)

SDSM-led coalition “We Can” and DUI have made a serious progress in the negotiations to form a government. A meeting between SDSM and DUI leaders, Zoran Zaev and Ali Ahmeti respectively, has been scheduled for Tuesday, at which an agreement to form a government coalition is expected to be reached. The intensive meetings between SDSM and DUI continued on Sunday and Monday towards creating a coalition agreement for a future stable government. “The teams of SDSM and DUI worked actively on creating coalition agreement in the first days within the constitutional deadline of 20 days after receiving the mandate. In the talks led by parties’ secretary-generals, serious progress has been made in almost all issues that will lead to a coalition government,” SDSM said in a press statement. Given the urgency and the need to quickly ensure fully functioning of the key institutions in the country to address the health and economic challenges caused by COVID-19 pandemic, a meeting between party leaders Zoran Zaev and Ali Ahmeti will be held on 18 August, at which a final agreement on a new, stable, committed government with a four-year term is expected to be reached, SDSM press statement read. “In anticipation of reaching a quick final agreement, we hope that the constitutive session for election of the parliament speaker will continue in the coming days. Officials or the press services of the parties will brief on the public on all new information arising from the negotiations,” press statement read.

Xhaferi: Rotating speaker or PM a matter of political agreement (MIA/Sitel TV)

Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi said he’ll schedule the constitutive session’s resumption once confirmed that parties have resolved the two remaining issues – election of a parliament speaker and a Committee on Election and Appointment Issues. He says he is not and has no intention of being a reason for blocking the institution, adding that he is following procedures. “As soon as there’s a proposal on resolution regarding a Committee on Election and Appointment Issues and a candidate for a parliament speaker, regardless of who the candidate may be, it is my obligation in line with the Rules of Procedure to resume the session so that these items can be finalized,” Xhaferi told Sitel TV on Monday. As regards a possibility of a rotating prime minister or a rotating parliament speaker, Xhaferi said it was a matter of a political agreement between the parties that make up majority and, in that sense, he added, he wasn’t governed by personal status issues. “It’s a political matter. This is why a government formation mandate is given and a government program that is submitted to parliament. If within the 20 days of government formation talks a parliamentary majority is secured, the parliament needs to hold a session and elect a government within 15 days of receipt of the draft composition and government program. If the political agreement is such, it’s indisputable,” Xhaferi pointed out. Asked if he was optimistic that an agreement and a resumption of the session were possible by the week’s end, Xhaferi didn’t give a specific answer, but only noted that he has always been optimistic in life. According to him, provisions on when the Parliament has been constituted also need to be clarified, if not in the Constitution as a more difficult procedure, then in the Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, so that there are no misunderstandings in the future.

Pendarovski: Historical continuity of Macedonian language is indisputable (MIA)

President Stevo Pendarovski addressed on Monday via video message the International Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture, which is being held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The 2020 edition of the International Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture, the President stressed, is being held in unusual circumstances, adding the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented participants from gathering at the shores of Lake Ohrid, which was an inspiration for Sts. Clement and Naum, the Miladinov brothers, Grigor Parlichev, Kuzman Shapkarev, etc. However, Pendarovski that noted satisfaction over the fact that the pandemic didn’t prevent participants from at least virtually continuing the seminar’s tradition, which is key for a few reasons. First, the President said, is the marking of several significant anniversaries, including the 75th anniversary of the publication of the Macedonian alphabet and orthography. “In 1945 we completed the codification process of the standard Macedonian language. Thus, Macedonian became the language of education, science and art not only in the Republic of North Macedonia, but also in university departments throughout world. Although due to the unfavorable socio-historical and political situation, the Macedonian language was standardized rather late, its historical continuity is indisputable. As a result of its longstanding oral and written tradition and the abundance of dialects this issue was resolved by linguists a long time ago” Pendarovski said in the address. Nonetheless, he added, we’re once again witnessing an anachronistic rhetoric challenging the uniqueness and historical continuity of the Macedonian language. “That is why we need an appropriate scientific and reasoned response, which can be found in the four volumes on the Macedonian language recently published by the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Institute for Macedonian Language ‘Krste Misirkov’, the Faculty of Philology ‘Blazhe Koneski’ and the Macedonian Language Council,” the President stressed. Moreover, both people and events we celebrate this year, Pendarovski told seminar participants, prove the continuity of the Macedonian language. Folk storyteller Marko Cepenkov died in 1920, the same year another writer, Slavko Janevski, was born. He is considered to be the author of the first published novel written in standard Macedonian, the President noted. “This year also we mark a century since the birth of the founder of Macedonian dialectology, Bozhidar Vidoeski. He established this international seminar, which so far has had over 5,000 participants from 60 different countries, all of who had the opportunity to get acquainted with the Macedonian language. This extremely important international event has played a major role in the global affirmation of the Macedonian language, literature and culture. Therefore, we see your participation in this digital seminar and your desire to learn more about the Macedonian language and culture not just as commitment to scientific truth, but also as an act of solidarity with Macedonian linguists and citizens. And for that I thank you,” Pendarovski underlined.


Ex-president awarded High Medal; Meta gathers all political forces (ADN)

On the occasion of his 76th birth anniversary, former president, Prof. Dr. Rexhep Meidani, received the highest Decoration of the “National Flag” by the President of the Republic Ilir Meta, in recognition of Meidani’s high state and patriotic responsibility shown as President of the Republic of Albania in the years 1997-2002; for the valuable contribution given to the important reform of the new Constitution of the Republic of Albania and to the holding of the referendum of its adoption in 1998, as well as to the development of democracy and to the establishment and strengthening of independent institutions in Albania. He was also honored about his endeavors in support of the cause of Kosovo in particular and the national one in general. The solemn ceremony organized on Monday on this occasion was attended by the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, former Albanian Presidents, Sali Berisha, Bujar Nishani and Bamir Topi, leader of the United Opposition, Lulzim Basha, former prime minister and Minister for Diaspora, Pandeli Majko, President of the Academy of Sciences, Skender Gjinushi, as well as MPs, politicians, diplomats, academics, scientists, journalists and prominent personalities from Albania and Kosovo. “He took office as Head of State in the most critical moments for the country, in 1997, successfully contributing to the restoration of the institutional order and the Albanian state itself. Professor Meidani’s contribution to the important reform of the new Constitution of the Republic of Albania and to the success of the referendum for its adoption in 1998 remains of special importance,” said Meta in his remarks. In his welcoming speech to family, friends, colleagues and guests, President Meta noted: “Education and morality create the good man, the good statesman, the good leader" Aristotle teaches us. I started with these words of a great man because they best embody the figure and personality of Prof. Dr. Rexhep Meidani, who has not only reached the peaks of education but has been and continues to be a prominent example of morality, values ​​and human dignity; a true statesman, a President and politician, academic and civic figure, always distinguished for modesty, responsibility and positive impact on our country and society. Public life of Prof. Dr. Rexhep Meidani is known and appreciated by all Albanians for the high state and patriotic responsibility that he showed as President of the Republic in 1997-2002, years which are known as one of the most difficult in the post-communist period. Not only in the position of Head of State, but also earlier, Professor Meidani has made a great contribution to the consolidation and development of that ideal in which he has always believed with great strength and stability, democracy, working diligently for the transmission of inclusive spirit in politics, governance, institutions and society. By investing all his intellectual, political and human capacity, in the service of establishing and strengthening independent institutions in Albania. He took office as Head of State in the most critical moments for the country, such as 1997, successfully contributing to the restoration of the institutional order and the Albanian state itself. Of special importance remains the contribution of Professor Meidani in the important reform of the new Constitution of the Republic of Albania and for the success of the referendum of its adoption in 1998. That historic moment served as the most important milestone and cornerstone in the recovery of the rule of law in Albania. ‘The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the insistence of every citizen to protect it. Only if every citizen does his part to protect it, are constitutional rights secure,’ said Albert Einstein, the man and genius of science. Therefore, Professor Meidani, coming from the field of science and physics, under his institutional responsibility believed and contributed that the Constitution of the country should belong only to the citizens and through the referendum, the Albanian people to give its final verdict. Professor Meidani is known and appreciated for his tireless and fruitful efforts in support of the cause of Kosovo. He was the President of Albania during the Kosovo War and of the great hospitality that our country reserved for the 1 million brothers and sisters from Kosovo, who, forced by the Milosevic genocide, took refuge in Albania and were welcomed by Albanian families, found warmth from the historical solidarity of Kukrs but also in every Albanian hearth from Tropoja to Saranda. The role of President Meidani's national unity in that historic moment was an added value for all political forces, even though we came from a deep division of 1997, to emerge as a nation with one attitude. On 24 May 2000, President Rexhep Meidani visited Kosovo, marking the first visit by a head of state since the establishment of the Albanian state. President of the Republic of Albania, MP and politician, Professor Meidani is a prominent personality in the academic field with a prominent scientific activity with valuable academic achievements. As a member of the Academy of Sciences of Albania, honoris causa from various universities inside and outside the country; holder of many honorary titles and academic degrees from many foreign institutions from the US, Italy, Greece, the United Kingdom, but also those of Albanian areas such as Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia, and as the author of scientific and political writings and publications, Professor Meidani remains one of the most prominent personalities of our country, of which we are proud everywhere. His deep scientific and academic knowledge and insights, but also his extensive state and political experience, intertwined with outstanding human values ​​have been transmitted to many generations of students who always remember Rexhep Meidani as their model Professor. The modesty and professionalism, the extraordinary display of statehood and patriotism that Professor Meidani has shown throughout his career and life, should serve as an example for today's politicians. To place the Homeland and the nation before every ambition of power; to promote democracy when the constitutional and institutional order is violated; to unite the country when there are serious attempts to divide it. To help and not hinder Albania's journey towards the European family; to show institutional accountability at every level of government or state; and above all to preserve and protect all those achievements and Euro-Atlantic commitments that our country has gained with so much effort and sacrifice. I was honored to work in the role of Prime Minister of Albania in the years 1999-2002 with a President of the Republic with full integrity, dignity and with very high state responsibilities as Professor Meidani. But today I am even more privileged to award to Professor Meidani, such a prominent personality with rare values ​​for our country, the ‘National Flag Decoration’. ‘A statesman is a politician who puts himself in the service of the nation. A politician is a leader who puts the nation at the service of himself,’ said George Pompidou. Professor Meidani thank you for always putting yourself and all your skills in the service of the nation. And today, on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of your birth, I wish you health and prosperity, and on behalf of all Albanians I express my gratitude for all your very valuable contribution to Albania and Albanians,” said President Meta.

Situation in Belarus, Rama: The situation to be resolved through dialogue (Radio Tirana)

Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, in his capacity as head of the OSCE, has offered a visit and a meeting with the government and the opposition in Belarus to find a solution through dialogue. “An open and constructive dialogue is needed to find a way out in Belarus,” Rama said. Lukashenko’s victory has sparked numerous protests in the country, with the opposition saying it was convinced the president had rigged the election. “An official offer has been submitted to the government of Belarus for a visit by the Head of the OSCE Office, the Prime Minister and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, Edi Rama, and the next Chairman of the OSCE, the Minister of Foreign Affairs “Sweden’s Foreign Minister Ann Linde,” the statement said.